The History Of Modern Scarves

Author : AlexB
Publish Date : 2021-06-21 13:57:39

The History Of Modern Scarves

A scarf is not only a warm accessory that we need to keep warm in winter, but also a fashion accessory that emphasizes our own style and completes the image. A few centuries ago, the scarf familiar today was not associated with fashion and was used for a completely different purpose.

The origin of the scarf

There is no reliable information about where and when the cashmere scarves first appeared. Some sources claim that the scarf began to be worn in the Roman Empire, while others say that as early as 1350 BC, Queen Nefertiti wore a scarf over her headdress. But it is safe to say that China played a huge role in the history of the scarf.

In 1000 BC, the Chinese wore rectangular fringed scarves around their necks, as evidenced by numerous sculptures of that era. Ancient Chinese warriors used scarves for a practical purpose: they tied a piece of cloth around their neck to protect themselves from the cold and wind. This is evidenced by a monumental burial discovered in 1974, during the reign of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang Di. In this tomb were found figures of 7,500 warriors wearing scarves around their necks.

There is documentary evidence that as early as the tenth century AD, the Romans wore scarves. They tied scarves around their necks to protect their throats from the cold, and also put them under their armor in battles. In this way, they tried to hide from the unusual cold during their campaigns in Gaul and Germany.

Scarf as an object of distinction

Over time, the scarf began to undergo changes. Various materials began to be used to make the accessory: from warm and practical to airy and light. Gradually, the scarf becomes the subject of distinction in many countries, as in Ancient Egypt scarves were used as an indicator of authority and social status. The Roman Empire also adopted the tradition of silk scarves. They wore the accessory around the waist or neck as well as a sign of social status. Louis IV, who loved sophistication in fashion, turned the neckerchief not only into an elegant and beautiful accessory, but also made it a sign of belonging to the nobility. Much later, Peter I also began to use the scarf as a social distinction between officers and soldiers, introducing this accessory into the uniform of the army, thus, the scarf began to be used as a distinction of the nobility.

19th century

In the 19th century, scarves became a very popular accessory, and many fashion houses began to produce their own models, which later became iconic. Scarves and shawls began to be made of silk with a catchy print. In 1837, the French house Hermès became one of the leaders in the industry, which began producing the famous silk scarves. Queen Victoria of Britain has also played a role in driving the demand for scarves - the scarf has become her favorite accessory. Then it became a sign of belonging to a certain social class, everything depended on the material from which it was made.

The twentieth century

The scarf gained incredible popularity in the fashion world in the 20th century and made a splash among fashionistas. The scarf began to be used in different forms and shapes, adorning the most daring and elegant women's images. The development of fashion was promoted by famous actresses, dancers, singers, who became a kind of trendsetters in this fashion. In the new millennium, the scarf has become a practical fashion accessory, the variety of which never ceases to amaze. Scarves have ceased to be just a means of protection from the cold, but have turned into fashion accessories that add zest to the image for both women and men.

What Has Changed Nowadays

The fashion for fabrics has also changed. Delicate silk, of course, has not gone anywhere (just look at the stunningly bright Missoni models), but now linen, cotton, cashmere, corrugation, wool, and a combination of fabrics have become more in demand. The imagination and decor of the scarves is striking, since all sorts of elements in the form of fringes, pompons, beads, fur, leather and embroidery are also used here. Of course, this mainly concerns women's stoles. The prints also change with each season, adjusting to fashion trends. There are such beautiful models that the whole look is selected for an unusual accessory.
Separately, we will highlight the scarves, which carry the role of a distinctive feature or belonging to a particular community. You don't have to go far for examples. Just remember the fan scarves that fans cheerfully wave at the stadiums. Football lovers, regardless of age or social status, must take this accessory when going to a match or club meeting, because this is a key element of football paraphernalia.
For the first time, the fan scarf appeared in the sixties in England, where, in fact, this sport originated. They were made from striped woolen fabric, made in the colors of the club. Soon they began to be noticed in the stadiums of Italy. In the USSR, such scarves appeared in the eighties: at first they tried to make them from ordinary cotton fabric on which a pattern was applied, but the option turned out to be short-lived - they were quickly torn.

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