10 Best Quality RO Membrane For Home Water Purifier

Author : eshanabehal
Publish Date : 2021-05-24 12:20:51

Fitness and health have been a priority with the rising pandemic condition. The safety of individuals has been a must-have for every family today. That is the reason, an investment in a water purifier for home has been so important. If you are drinking RO water, you are already working on maintaining good health. An RO water purifier is the most reliable form of water purification that gives you the safest drinking water. It is easily available in the market and you can easily afford one. Reverse osmosis work on hard water contaminated with solid particles and sediment. It uses a semi-permeable membrane that separates water from all contaminants. Now if you find a foul smell or a bad taste in your drinking water, it is a sign of membrane change. If your membrane is not working properly, it will not purify your water effectively. This call for a membrane change and you can easily get one due to the large availability. The market has some good RO membrane, which you can check out. Also, we help you understand every small detail about the RO membrane.

What is a RO membrane?

An RO membrane is a semi-permeable filter that helps in water purification. Through the process of reverse osmosis, the water is separated from all the contaminants. Your membrane purifies water from pollutants and contaminants, giving you clean and healthy water. If your membrane does not work effectively, you will find the results in your water taste and odour. In an RO water purifier for home, the membrane plays the major role and you need to change it with time, as required. Membranes are easily available and are very affordable.

10 best RO membrane

  1. LG BW 4040R Membranes
  2. LG SW 400R 8040 RO Membrane, 1000 lph
  3. LG 40-40 Membrane, Model Number: Bw 40*40 R, Capacity: 250
  4. WHITE LG BW8040R, Model Number: Lg Bw8040 M, Reverse Osmosis
  5. LG RO Membrane, Feed Water Temperature: 26 Degree, Membrane Diameter: 40
  6. LG RO Membranes, Length: 5-10 inch, Capacity: 1000 lph
  7. LG Chem 4” & 8” LG RO Membrane, Model Name/Number: LgChem’s Nanoh2o
  8. 4’’ And 8’’ RO Membrane, Capacity: 80 GPD
  9. White LG Membrane 4040, Capacity: 250lph
  10. LG BW 400 R G2 RO Membrane

Three important things about RO membrane

  • RO membrane change timing: The change of RO membrane depends upon the time that is recommended by the company. Usually, brands suggest you use your RO membrane for a particular period. You need to change your membrane after that particular time, as it stops its effectiveness. If your brand does not specify anything, then try and change it every 3 years.
  • If you want to extend the life of the RO membrane, you will have to take care of your water filters. You need to keep changing and clean your water filters on time. If your filter is working to ensure that water purification is done, there is low pressure on the RO membrane. Try and keep your filters clean so that your membrane goes through fewer contaminants.
  • Few factors will affect your membrane effectiveness. RO Pre-filter changes timely. Daily water purification quantity and inlet water TDS limit.

Why membrane should be changed?

If your RO membrane is not working effectively, you will find the results in your water taste and odour. It will help you bring efficiency to your drinking water. A membrane needs to be checked and cleaned regularly so that your water is purified on daily basis. After several usages, the membrane pores get clogged with dust, contaminants, and solid particles. Once the pores are clogged, you will not have a good purification process. If your membrane is changed, you will have the best purification done. This way, water will be safe and healthy to drink with the waterpurifier for home. There will be no odour or pungent smell because there are no contaminants present in drinking water.

Easy steps to change your Membrane

Step 1: You need to start with the removal of the tube from the front fitting and twist the

cap with a wrench.

Step 2: Now pull out the reverse osmosis old membrane. To pull out you can use pliers.

Step 3: Then push the RO membrane into the main housing.

Step 4: Put the housing cap back and tighten it.

Wrapping up

The top 10 water purifier membranes will help you get the best performance and affordability. It gives you the right opportunity to change your RO Membrane in time and expect good benefits.

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