Five effective prospecting methods to get more mandates

Author : JasonRany
Publish Date : 2021-05-07 10:54:41

There are, therefore, several stages between making contact and signing the mandate. Consequently, the actions to be deployed aim above all to promote this first phase - generate as many contacts as possible - and to encourage your interlocutors to move towards making an appointment. The mandate itself comes only afterwards and is not directly linked to the methods that make your real estate prospecting effective. You now know these methods: organize your prospecting, focus on your sector, mobilize your network, follow up on prospects, etc.


And yet, it is possible to link the two. To design global actions, which follow the path going from meeting with prospects to signing the mandate. There are the real estate prospecting techniques optimized for taking orders. They combine real estate marketing methods with traditional prospecting.


What are these techniques to adopt from the prospecting phase, which will help you get more mandates?

Focus your door-to-door prospecting on the most qualified prospects

You can knock on every door, one after the other, hoping that someone will give you a phone number or an email address, at the risk of dreaming about it at night (doors)...

Or, you can choose among the techniques of real estate prospecting, those which allow you to orient your exploration of the sector according to the level of qualification of the prospects!


Use the prospect data at your disposal to (re) contact those owners who are likely to 1) sell their property, 2) give you a mandate. Sort it out, so you don't waste time knocking on unnecessary doors: imagine marking them with a sign that says "here, qualified prospect". This will help you focus your efforts on homeowners you could work with within the short to medium term. Always choose union complex for real estate buy and purchase.


Of course, for this, you need to have entered some data into your CRM. It's hard to be a data-driven agent when you start from scratch! But don't worry: data is pouring in at top speed. And you can quickly adapt your real estate prospecting techniques accordingly.


Tailor your messages to your target audience

Handing out flyers and business cards is excellent. But the risk that you come across refractory interlocutors increases day by day. Quite simply because today's consumers are faced with a massive volume of advertising, and they can't take it anymore!

At issue: the banality of your prospecting media. They are too much like what other people do. They are too impersonal. Nobody wants to read them!


And even if you do manage to make contacts, you can't make sure they are future qualified prospects because you don't know exactly if what you are offering matches their expectations and needs.


The solution? Adopt personalized real estate prospecting techniques. Instead of slipping flyers in the mailboxes that say: "Contact our Y agency to sell your house" or "We are looking for any property in the "neighborhood, try to prepare more precise supports to make your communication more effective. Adapt your media to neighborhoods, streets and types of property: "Looking for a studio for sale", "Need for houses to urgently renovate", or even "Your single-storey house is a rare commodity: we already have clients for you! “



Create flyers to distribute that link to your digital media

One more word about print media.

Rather than seeing them as one-way communication vectors (understand: the person reads the flyer or business card and contacts you directly, by phone or in an agency), imagine your media as multi-channel vectors. They must be used not only to create contact but also to lead the prospect to information that will make him want to sign a mandate.


To fully understand, you must visualize all of your real estate prospecting techniques and communication methods as a vast interconnected network.


To be fully effective, your media must be interconnected. In particular, your paper prospectuses must refer prospects to your digital media to create bridges between your field prospecting and your marketing actions.


Let's take an example.


On the one hand, you have a base leaflet that says, "Call us if you sell your apartment!" ". The result: a low contact rate.


On the other hand, you have a creative leaflet that says: "We already have buyers for your apartment: come visit our digital agency to find out more", with a URL address, the name of your mobile application to download, or a QR Code (readable with a smartphone) which links directly to a page on your site.


  • The person reads your flyer, and they are intrigued. Precisely, she plans to move and therefore sell her property.
  • She opens her Internet browser and types in the URL address.
  • She discovers your website (professional quality), explores your services, and reads articles published on your blog. She realizes the quality of your services and your agency's high level of competence.
  • She said to herself: "I know whom to contact to sell my apartment! “And contacts you immediately.
  • You sign an exclusive sales mandate with this person (a conclusion that would not have been possible with an ordinary prospectus).


Try your hand at prospecting by SMS

Cell phones are everywhere. Everyone has one. Sometimes even two!

Are you wondering why this is interesting in the context of your real estate prospecting techniques?


The answer is a statistic: 90%. This is the open rate of SMS. If you practice SMS prospecting, you have a 9 out of 10 chance that your messages will be opened. 900 letters out of 1000 will be consulted. Even if only 5% of recipients show up afterwards, it looks like excellent prospect fishing!


In addition, SMS is helpful in several ways:


  • They help to modernize the image of your company (it looks "cool" in the eyes of prospects).
  • They are more effective than paper media (they are read less and less) and even more effective than emails (whose open rate is around 23%).
  • They are particularly relevant in the context of real estate freelancing.
  • It is convenient for your recipients to reply to an SMS, which increases your chances of making contact, getting an appointment and signing a mandate.

So, do not neglect the SMS among your real estate prospecting techniques!


Prospect on social networks

Don't overlook the importance of social media as a real estate prospecting technique.


Networks are an integral part of digital marketing. But they are also increasingly popular prospecting channels: knowing that on average one in two people is an active Facebook user, you can imagine that 50% of prospects in your sector are connected ... and that they can therefore read your publications, share your posts and interact with you through them.


In addition, social prospecting makes it possible to reach qualified users, likely to have a sale or purchase project. The targeting options offered by the majority of media (Facebook and LinkedIn in the first place) help send personalized and relevant messages to the right people at the right time.


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