Things To Consider While Installing Temporary Fencing

Author : mark01
Publish Date : 2021-07-25 09:12:31

When you require temporary fencing on your property, you want to ensure it is installed properly. Although temporary fencing is designed for ease and convenience, if you require it for public safety, or to keep people from trespassing, the sturdier the installation, the more dependable it becomes. Here we look at the most important things to consider when installing temporary fencing.

Choose the Right Fence

Before you even begin the installation, you need to make sure you choose the right fence. You want a fence that is durable and that will help direct people either away from your property or in the right direction when entering your property. You also might need a fence that is easily changed to meet the needs of your site. A fence that requires less effort such as digging is also preferable as it makes it easier to install and tear down.

Assess the Ground

Your fence rental requires level ground for installation. If you are installing your temporary fencing on uneven ground it can interfere with your fence’s stability. Consider the area and look for ways to level off challenging areas. Clear away anything that will interfere with the fence’s footing.

Choose a Good Day

Although in some cases your fence rental will need to be installed right away if you have time to complete the work, choose a day when the weather is more promising. Rain can make it difficult to work with the materials, which can get pretty slick during a downpour. Your temporary fencing Calgary panels need to be fitted together, and when wet this gets a little more difficult. Also, if the weather threatens thunderstorms, if you are out in an open field, you are at risk of lightning strikes.

Use the Right Tools

Your fence rental company can recommend the best tools for the job. Trying to work with the tools you have available, can interfere with how secure your fence is once the installation is complete. While all the necessary parts are provided with your fence, you want to be able to secure the parts properly.

Layout and Plan

Before you begin, you’ll need to have a layout in mind. For example, if you are installing the temporary fencing at a construction site, where will you need openings to allow for traffic to enter the site? Will you need any gates? Is there an area where you might want to add privacy panels or signage? Are there any obstacles you’ll need to work around? A layout plan will help you address all of these issues, so your fence serves its purpose well.


Safety must always be top of mind when undertaking a project such as a temporary fencing installation. Be sure you have the proper gloves, footwear, and goggles. As well, mark off the area where you are working, if you are installing the fence where there are pedestrians or traffic. This will protect you while working, while also raising a warning for passersby. Your fencing also should not interfere with foot or vehicle traffic as this increases the risk for accidents. Be aware of potentially making it difficult for pedestrians and traffic to see where they are going such as blocking a stop sign.

Ideally, your fence should be placed about 1-2 meters away from the road to avoid interfering with traffic. When your site could prove dangerous such as a construction site, uneven dangerous ground, or during a home renovation project, clearly post signs warning people of possible dangers.

Use All Parts Provided

Just like putting together DIY furniture kits, you want to make sure you don’t have any parts left over when you put your fence together. Follow the instructions provided by the fence rental company to ensure your fence is safe and secure.

Check Your Fence


Once you complete your fence installation, do a walk along the fence to ensure it is installed properly. It is easy to miss things that could interfere with your fence’s stability or safety. Also, be sure to avoid having a set it and forget it attitude towards your fence. Regular maintenance checks are highly recommended, even if you only have the fence for a few days. The larger the expanse of your fence, the more risk there is for damage.

You can also look for signs of tampering that could indicate a security breach by trespassers. Make sure the fence base is properly anchored and that all the clamps and connectors are tight and secure. Another important reason you should check your fence both after installation and on a regular basis is to look for possible hazards. For example, bases that get knocked out of place can pose a tripping hazard. Fence panels that are not secured could fall on someone walking by or become airborne in high winds.

If you take these things into consideration, your fence rental installation will provide a secure and safe perimeter for your property.

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