送你一朵小红花~ 线上看完整版(HD-2020)在线观看[1080P]高清电影

Author : redemiw
Publish Date : 2021-01-02 09:19:58

送你一朵小红花~ 线上看完整版(HD-2020)在线观看[1080P]高清电影


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訪問鏈接 🎬▶  https://zenodo.org/communities/a-little-red-flower-peped-cillunch/?page=1&size=20

訪問鏈接 🎬▶  https://t.co/8ajFg7WefJ?a-little-red-flower

导演: 韩延
主演: 易烊千玺 / 刘浩存 / 朱媛媛 / 高亚麟 / 夏雨 / 更多...
类型: 剧情
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2020-12-31(中国大陆)
片长: 128分钟
又名: A Little Red Flower
IMDb链接: tt12497408

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I’ve been reluctant to write this blog post because historically I don’t like talking about weight. But I’ve been promising to publish how I lost 65 pounds in the past 18 months without any fad diets or gimmicks to try and be helpful to others.

I have a plan, I know it works and for the friends and family who have followed what I’ve done they’ve equally lost a lot of weight.

Over the past 18 months I have eaten all the things I love: cereal, bagels, sushi, ice cream, pizza, Mexican food, Thai food, cheeseburgers, steak — you name it. Yes, of course in moderation and certainly not every day. But the point is that by not having a silly diet that I eventually became non-compliant to I was able to lose weight slowly, consistently and keep if off rather than yo-yo’ing like I normally do.

I made maintaining my weight a habit rather than chore. A way of life rather than a restriction.

I’m going to make this post pretty high-level because my goal is to help anybody who wants to get started quickly. I’m going to follow up with a series of detailed posts about what I did so that if you want more information, help, support or insights I can go deeper.

I’ve been reluctant to write about weight in part because I don’t want to sound self righteous. I figured out something that worked for me. I’m very confident it will work for most of you if you really want to lose weight and are ready. Not everybody is ready. I know that as much as anybody.

I’m also reluctant because when you’ve yo-yo’d for 30 years you know very well that today’s great shape could be tomorrow’s egg-in-my-face for speaking up. Still … it’s been 18 months and I’ve held it off so I think it’s time to take the risk. If it helps even one person it will be worth the risk to me. Plus, maybe writing this public is just another form of public accountability for me to hold myself accountable.

How to Get Started?
I’m not a doctor so if you have any health issues you should obviously consult a healthcare professional before. With that said …

The first thing you should do is weigh yourself so you know your starting point today. You should then write down what I call your “boomerang diet” weight, which is the number you hit whenever you try whatever fad diet you’ve tried in the past. Hitting this number using a sensible plan for losing weight should be your first goal. Your “first push.” This is a number you know you can hit because you’ve hit it before. For me this number has always been 200 pounds.

Then should write down your “target goal.” Your target goal isn’t your high school weight or some other unrealistic number but rather the weight that you’d feel really, truly grateful if you could hit. It would be “the new you” and it’s been somewhat unattainable for you in the past. My target goal when I started my journey was 185. I wasn’t sure if I could actually hit it since it had been > 20 years since I had weighed 185 but this is the weight I knew I could feel great about if I could hit and maintain.

I started my journey in July 2019 at 222 pounds, which was even higher than the peak of my normal yo-yo range. I typically yo-yo’d between 205–215 and if I made a hard effort at a Paleo/Keto diet with some Intermittent Fasting worked in I could hit 198–200 as my boomerang floor weight. These are not numbers I’m proud of and historically I never would have discussed my weight publicly. But if I’m going to help others I need to come clean. For some, their weights are much higher than this and for others perhaps you only need to lose 15 pounds.

Why Many Diets Don’t Work
Before I tell you my plan I want to tell you that I do believe generally in avoiding most carbs, wheat products, grains, etc. I know that too many carbs spikes my blood sugar causing an unhealthy insulin response and that if I can cut out most or all carbs then weight just falls off of me. So I acknowledge that it works. The problem is that it feels like a diet and inevitably I would cheat. So when I hit my personal floor and would sneak in a few glasses of alcohol or just a bit of dessert or one pizza night and I’d find out that keto simply doesn’t work if you cheat.

So I decided that this time I wasn’t going to “diet” — I was going to push for a lifestyle change. I was going to create better habits and a lifestyle that was sustainable. I decided that I had to start with a better plan and a better mental philosophy. My wife said to me (I’m paraphrasing), “I wonder why in the past you weren’t able to get beyond your initial success and this time you were able to?”
Because I was mentally ready to. It’s that simple.

Is Food The Most Important Thing? Or is it Exercise?
Neither. In fact, neither are the number one or number two most important things. I know that sounds like BS but I promise it’s not.

The first thing you need to do is prepare a mental plan and a set of measurements for defining success. Over the course of my weight loss my mental plans changed (I will share a lot more details in future posts) and my measurements changed but these have been my two most important factors in my weight loss journey. In my first push I started to plot out strategies for dealing with mind & measurements and these changed over time as I got into the harder, “real effort” phase.

I’ll share some of these strategies later in the post but for now, let me explain my rationale …

Imagine if I told you that you were going to go out and run a 10k (6.2 mile) race that you hadn’t prepared for. You were on the line and the gun went off and you just started running hard so that you could finish the race fast. If you weren’t mentally prepared then perhaps after a mile or two you really might start aching and it would be tempting to quit. You didn’t have a mental plan and you weren’t pacing yourself so inevitably you wouldn’t perform well.

I think that losing weight is similar. People sprint out of the starting gates because they want to see immediate results and they often don’t acknowledge the lifestyle habits that got them to gain weight in the first place. That was certainly true for me.

In my “first push” I had signed up for Noom, an online weight loss application and this helped me a lot because I entered my target weight (185) and it created a graph for me and a plan for how to get to 185 and how long it would take. So I started my journey able to visualize a goal even though I wasn’t totally convinced I would hit it. Part of the magic of Noom is that it focuses on the psychology of eating. There was nothing new, nothing I didn’t intellectually know, but it forced me to bring my knowledge the surface and understand why I made bad food choices on occasions. It even spelled it out in well-known psychology terms for me.
Some examples (yes, many are pre-Covid examples):
When I go to the movies I associate sitting and watching a movie in a theater with eating (usually popcorn or chocolate) since it’s a childhood memory / habit. But it makes no sense at all that I need to eat when I watch a movie. But by knowing this I was able to bring healthy food with me so that I could fulfill this ritual without cheating.
When I go out to a work event I would be having a good week or two of eating but then free hors d’oeuvres would be served and in the mild anxiety of networking I would inevitably eat what was put in front of me.
At a normal dinner out with my wife I can control what I order and what I eat — no problem. But at a work dinner often a group would order appetizers for the table and somehow sitting there with this food ordered for the table I felt I should be eating it.
Then there’s the inevitable lubricant of bad behavior — alcohol. I am very fortunate not to have a pre-disposition towards alcoholism in my family so I can easily take or leave alcohol. But if I have even one drink I find that it becomes an enabler for bad eating decisions. It’s like a willpower killer. And I must acknowledge that in the workplace socializing of modern society there is often pressure to drink wine, beer, whiskey — you name it.
What Noom got me to do was develop a plan for situations I would be in BEFORE I was in the situation. I would acknowledge to myself “you’re going to be in a social setting tonight. There will be hors d’oeuvres and you know that’s a trigger for you so DO NOT let yourself fall prey to it. Just thinking about my eating mistakes in advance and acknowledging it to myself helped me a lot. It still does. I developed a plan BEFORE going out of what I would tell friends of why I wasn’t going

Catagory :general