2. When someone tells you that they “aren’t looking for a relationship” right now, believe them, because that’s pretty m

Author : fdido.did
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 05:52:36

And this is why the Okinawan diet works: Their focus is on getting a large variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, rather than becoming hyper-focused on increasing your intake of one “superfood” vegetable or eliminating an entire food category that has been deemed “bad” by the public. Their meals are never just tofu or bitter melon, and they’ll frequently have rice or noodles, instead of just sweet potato. Their meals are often a colorful assortment of different vegetables and food types, of different colors and textures.

It’s not limited to chanpuru — many Okinawan dishes are often an assortment of different vegetables, such as Okinawan jyushi or papaya irichi. Their diet is particularly aware of the idea of eating lots of different kinds of vegetables every day — meals are often colorful, and include an assortment of leafy vegetables, root vegetables, and sea vegetables. Suddenly, I could see how one could easily get so many different kinds of vegetables in one day.

Donald Trump has petulantly wrecked as much of its citizens’ faith in the apparatus of democracy as he could on his way out, smearing his name in feces across the pediment of American history.

Sequence Index: This is the data column with the row dependencies (should be sorted like datetime or numeric values). In time-series, this is usually the time axis. In our example, the sequence index will be the Date column.

The real villains in any failing democracy are never the politicians, who are ultimately cringing, fearful creatures, easily bribed or bullied, but the electorate. I’m afraid that Andy Harris may actually represent his constituents’ wishes: He and Trump’s other accomplices in the party are cynically repeating the president-unelect’s lies because their voters want to hear them, and passively acquiescing to his attempted coup because they back it. I honestly don’t know whether Trump’s base genuinely believes his transparent fabrications — that the Democrats stole the election in a massive national fraud executed with a coordination and flawlessness the Democrats have never successfully applied to any other endeavor in history — or if they just pretend to because it’s to their side’s advantage, the way sports fans all agree a disputed play was their team’s point. Maybe there’s no longer any difference for them between what they believe and what they want.

But if you consider one of the most common and famous Okinawan foods, a stir-fried vegetable dish called chanpuru, maybe this isn’t so impossible. Chanpuru means “to mix together” and can be a variety of different vegetables, but a classic version would include bitter melon (goya), tofu, egg, and bean sprouts, sometimes with carrots, cabbage, or onions. This is often served with a side of sweet potato and miso soup, which is frequently made with seaweed, tofu, and daikon radish. Okinawans also often enjoy a portion of fruit after or between meals, such as pineapple or papaya with some freshly brewed jasmine tea.

None of this political servility is due to any personal loyalty, of which Donald Trump is congenitally incapable and cannot himself command. The only thing Trump’s ever honestly earned is a reputation for thin-skinned vindictiveness, and he will, at his churlish whim, sic his rabid fans on any politician who fails to humor his delusions or thwarts his toddlerish will. He’s like the creepy kid in that Twilight Zone episode who keeps a whole town in a state of petrified compliance ’cause he’ll turn you into a giant Jack-in-the-Box if you fail to sufficiently praise or thank him, your head bobbing on a spring. I have little doubt that Trump is despised by all but the most brainwashed dingbats in Washington on both sides of the aisle, and that these calculating pols, who think in two-, four-, and six-year terms, are patiently waiting for him to exhaust his legal options and process his rudimentary emotions until his usefulness (and immunity) ends and they can gravely cluck over, and privately toast, his destruction. But in the meantime they’re hedging their bets; no one’s willing to risk being branded a traitor by the infraright.

1. When a friend seems to have something negative to say about everyone they know, believe that they are treating you the same way behind your back — chances are, you’re probably not the outlier.

Context Columns: These columns provide information about the time-series’ entities and will not change over time. In other words, the context columns should be constant within groups. In our example, Measuring Device and Where are the context columns.

“What you have to understand about these guys,” a friend who worked on Capitol Hill once explained to me, “is they’re not afraid of losing their next election; they are terrified of losing their next election. Their whole identities are so wrapped up in their office that if they lose it, they will cease to exist. It is an existential threat to them.” They’re afraid not of the oafish Trump himself but of the base he commands, those fanatics who believe he’s a hero chosen by God, to whom his every clumsy, childish lie is gospel, a vocal and monomaniacal voting bloc who can torpedo any Republican’s reelection. Plus a lot of them carry guns and like to make death threats.





















f different shell commands that can be used to kill activities. The most obvious is adb shell am kill… but it doesn’t actually do the trick. After you’ve launched your application, it’s in the foreground and kill won’t kill the foreground app. Instead, you need the force-quit command:

Entity Columns: These columns are the abstract entities that form the group of measurements, where each group is a time-series (hence the rows within each group should be sorted). However, rows of different entities are independent of each other. In our example, the entity column(s) will be only the City column. By the way, we can have more columns as the argument type should be a list.

So don’t worry about eating more “superfoods” like kale, tiger nuts, or Indian gooseberries: The key to eating well is paying closer attention to the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables you eat in a day — seven a day, if you can.

I know that not all Republicans, or all Trump supporters, are like this. After the election, a relative in Texas wrote me: “Congratulations on your November 3rd win. He is now everyone’s President and has our allegiance… I think it is safe to say we all want peace and prosperity, to work together and stop the spread of hate.” Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the election is as much an insult to these decent citizens as to those of us who voted for the other guy — to anyone who respects basic civics-class principles or playground fairness. But, unlike the Democrats, who’ve ignored and disowned their progressive wing for decades, Republicans have so avidly pandered to the bigots at their fringe that they now control the party.

So don’t worry about eating more “superfoods” like kale, tiger nuts, or Indian gooseberries: The key to eating well is paying closer attention to the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables you eat in a day — seven a day, if you can.

Catagory :general