5 Interesting Things You Must Know About Soy Milk

Author : EmmaWillson
Publish Date : 2021-01-27 09:48:48


The demand for soy milk has been steadily rising over time in the U.S. The soy milk market size stood at $15.33 billion in 2018, and experts estimate that it will grow to an astonishing $23.2 billion by 2025. Every major store you visit will have a special soy milk section, bringing you a product that tastes wonderful and brings an abundance of benefits. 

Let’s take a look at some of soy milk’s benefits and check out a few interesting facts about it. 

1. Soy Milk Can Be Good for Your Heart 


Soy milk, as a packaged product, can actually be good for your heart. It can have a positive impact on your good cholesterol levels. Thus, it can prevent various forms of heart disease. Soy milk can act positively on your plasma lipid levels which is another contributor that leads to decreasing heart disease risks. 

According to the U.S. Soy website, High Oleic Soybean Oil is a great product that promotes heart health. 


2. Soy Milk Isoflavones Could Bring Several Other Health Benefits 

Soybeans are packed with isoflavones – molecules, or plant hormones commonly found in legumes. Since isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogens, very similar to the female hormone known as estrogen, they received a somewhat bad reputation in the media due to statements that it can cause hormonal changes in men, giving them larger breasts and the like. Of course, this is fictitious. Isoflavones in soy milk are quite beneficial for your health, male or female. 

Studies suggest that isoflavones could: 

  • Reduce the occurrence of breast cancer 

  • Reduce blood glucose levels associated with type 2 diabetes 

  • Reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) levels 

  • Increase bone density 

  • Alleviate the symptoms of menopause (such as irritability and hot flashes)

  • Alleviate abdominal pain associated with Irritable Bowel Disease 

  • Reduce hypertension 

We need more research to have conclusive evidence of just how beneficial soy milk isoflavones are to our health, but so far, the studies seem promising. 


3. It’s the Best Alternative to Cow Milk 


Until recently, vegans and those with lactose intolerance didn’t have many choices regarding products such as milk. Cow’s milk was the primary accessible option. Luckily, we have an abundance of dairy product alternatives today. You can quickly get your hands on almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, and of course – soy milk. 

Are you looking for the best possible alternative to cow’s milk? Soy milk might just be your best option. Since it contains no lactose whatsoever, it’s the perfect solution for avoiding the unfortunate side-effects of lactose intolerance while still providing you with a fantastic flavor. 

People use it as an alternative in all kinds of foods and drinks that require milk – ice cream, cake, cookies, cereal, coffee, you name it. 

We often regard it as the healthiest alternative as well since its nutritional value is excellent. Eight ounces of soy milk has 70 calories, 8g of carbs, 11g of sugar, 4g of fat, and just 1g of protein less than the same amount of cow’s milk. It’s an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, and other minerals and vitamins. 


4. It Can Assist You on Your Weight Loss Journey 

Considering that it’s lighter in fat, sugars, carbs, and calories than traditional cow’s milk, it’s not surprising that soy milk can help you shed a few pounds, especially when combined with a low-fat diet. The proteins in soy milk can also help you retain your muscle mass while losing fat tissue. 

Soy milk is exceptionally rich in fibers, which can significantly impact your weight since they’re essential for maintaining proper gut flora. Foods rich in fibers can increase your satiety, making you feel full for longer after consuming a smaller amount. 

Together with its impact on diabetes type 2 symptoms, all these soy milk properties make soy milk one of the best foods to include in your diet if you want to lose weight. 


5. You can Easily Make Soy Milk at Home. 


What’s especially interesting about soy milk is that you can very quickly make it at home. All you need is some white soybeans and some water. Optionally, you can add vanilla or strawberries, for example, if you want to make flavored soy milk. 

  • Rinse about 1/2 cup of white soybeans and place them into 8 cups of water. 

  • Let them soak at room temperature overnight (up to 18 hours). 

  • Use a blender to grind up the beans, add them to your prepared 8 cups of water. 

  • Place the mixture over medium heat and let it start to simmer. 

  • Cook for about five more minutes 

  • Pour it into a bowl or bottle through a fine-mesh strainer to remove any soybean solids. And you’re done! 

The Bottom Line 

Soy milk is one of the tastiest alternatives to cow’s milk. You can use it for making any type of food or drink you want, and enjoy its sweet, creamy taste. 


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