5 Through special websites: I personally have no experience with this, but as you google “language tandem [insert your t

Author : dmario.men9
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 23:42:45

I would say that if both tandem partners are complete beginners in their target language, it is probably very useful to have a third language (which would often be English) as a common ground and a means of communication. I haven’t experienced such a situation yet.

However, I figured out that my favorite way is to speak each of the languages exclusively for a certain amount of time, be it fifteen minutes or half an hour. First only German, then only Italian. You can set a timer or “go with the flow” and switch language after that time. I feel like this is the most natural and helpful way of doing it since it feels like having a normal conversation. In “real life”, you would most probably stick to one language during one conversation.

At that point, I had loved before but I had not been in love. There is a difference. And when you are in love, it is easy to look back and determine whether you had loved or been in love.

A more common way is probably the other way around: I speak my target language (Italian) and my tandem partner speaks my mother tongue (German) so that we both get to speak the language we are less comfortable in.

I do not recommend continuing a tandem “partnership” with a person you feel uncomfortable with. A German friend of mine used to have a British tandem partner who was constantly nagging her and really didn’t sound like a nice person to hang out with. I personally would not want to meet that person only for the sake of language learning.

When I started learning Italian in 2017 with a class at university, the only previous knowledge that I had was my fluent French and my basic Spanish (which definitely helped, needless to say). Nevertheless, I was a complete beginner in Italian and could not form sentences or understand a native speaker yet.

Also, even though it might sound exaggerated: Beware of a person’s intentions. I have made the experience of meeting guys as platonic language partners who then asked me to go to the movies with him or to date him. That was simply not what I wanted, so I usually cut the contact. Of course, there are some people for whom a simple tandem partner becomes a life partner. It is up to you to decide if you are potentially up for a romantic relationship. This goes for all genders!

If you and your tandem partner already speak their target language as an upper beginner or an intermediate speaker, there are different ways of practicing the two languages.

Therefore, my tandem partner who had an upper beginner’s level and I met and wrote down dialogues, first in one language, then in the other. They would be about ordering a coffee, cooking pasta or preparing breakfast. We communicated mostly in my native language and in English, which is risky — in the end, we found out we had many common friends from university and ended up speaking and writing mostly in English.

Try to keep it equal: For both people to progress, they need to be able to practice. If the other person has a higher level in a certain language, do not let that discourage you and ask for your target language to be spoken or exercised as well. It is all too comfortable to choose only one of the languages because the conversation flows better in that one language.

If it is the other way around and you speak your target language better than your partner, try to muster patience when your tandem takes more time to form a sentence and needs time to think about certain words.

While is it not the primary goal of having a tandem partner, most of my tandem partners became friends. Even if we might not be in touch regularly because we do not live in the same city anymore, both sides assume that we would be able to visit that person if we were to travel to the other person’s home country.

It might be hard to find one person who has enough time and motivation to meet for regular language practice. In that case, you could register on the app “Tandem” and text or call people through the app. Let people know your level in different languages in your profile and then look for people who have mastered your target language.





















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These conversations can be like meet-ups with a friend where you talk about your life, but you can also select a topic you want to know more vocabulary in beforehand and talk about that. Let’s say your tandem partner studies musicology wants to spend a semester abroad. They might want to learn words related to music. The topic can also be a particular interest, like cooking or politics.

Catagory :general