5 Top Carpet Cleaning Tips You Should Know

Author : ellajames0021
Publish Date : 2020-11-09 05:43:54

People love carpeting because of its warmth and softness. It also upkeeps the look of floor surfaces and makes the room cozy. Carpeting requires maintenance on time. You must do frequent vacuuming and deep clean scrubbing. This way the carpet looks new and fresh. Thus, it must be your top priority on the list to clean the carpets frequently. The carpet in your house can either build or destroy the decor of the house. So you must keep it neat and clean.


However, despite all these efforts, the carpet will face messiness, splashes, food and beverage spills, and stains. Hence, to know how to cope with cleaning issues of carpets here are some simple and easy steps for you.

Blot the Stains

You must resist the urge to start rubbing the carpet immediately when a strain or spill occurs. Instead, try to blot and gently dab the spills and stains with a clean cloth, towel, or sponge. Rubbing will only cause the strain down into the carpet. It is important to always blot the stain from the outer edge because it can spread the stain further across the carpet.


The key is to blot the stains from outside and rubbing causes the particles to get ground into fibers. You can always call the experts to make the carpets clean as it requires great skills and experience. Hence, for carpet cleaning Fairfax choosing certified companies will be a smart choice.

Use Soda

If you know the correct method and use it correctly then club soda can remove stains from carpeting. You just need to do simple steps to get a superb and clean result. First, you need to pour the club soda on a cloth and then blot the stain with it. If you observe that the stain appeared to be lighter then add more soda.


If that does not work then you can add vinegar with water of a one-to-one ratio. Then spray this solution on the stained area and wait for 5 to 10 minutes for it to soak. Afterward, press a sponge on the area to soak the cleaning solution. Until the stain is gone, keep repeating the process. At last, rinse the stain with warm water and brush the carpet and put a towel on the area, and press it.

Shaving Cream

Believe it or not but the shaving cream is the best carpet cleaner for general stains. You just need to directly apply the shaving cream to the stained area and wait for half an hour. Then blot it up with a dry clean cloth. At last, spray the area with a mix of white vinegar and water with a ratio of one to one and then wipe it away.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Some of the stains are very obvious and can be seen very prominently. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide will help to get these stains out. To get rid of such stains you can pour water mixed with mild detergent on the strong stains like blood. Then, using a butter knife you can scrape off the stain from the carpet.


Afterward, apply hydrogen peroxide to the stain. Wait for a few minutes and blot up the hydrogen peroxide and wipe with a paper towel.

Use Dish Soaps

Dish soap can remove one of the most immovable and headstrong stains like grease spills. To remove these stains you need to place a few drops of grease-cutting dish soap mixed with warm water. Now spray this solution on the grease stain and blot it up with a paper towel.


Repeat this procedure multiple times to get rid of these stubborn stains. Nevertheless, you can always call out for help if the task is difficult for you. Hence, for Fairfax VA carpet cleaning you can search the best-certified companies.


In brief, these carpet cleaning hacks will help the carpet to look fresh and clean. However, with these DIY hacks, it is important to have professional help to clean the carpets. The skilled and experienced people can clean it better than you and it will also save you time. To get rid of germs and dirt beneath the carpet upper surface you must do the regular deep cleaning.


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