A few days ago, as I started reading up a bit on low latency kernels for audio production (what most people need the low

Author : qembedcon3
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:24:31

Alternatively, (although I found this to be detrimental) we can even use BERTs pre-pooled output tensors by swapping out last_hidden_state with pooler_output — but that is for another time.

Padding down my steps one morning, I noticed the brightly lit reflection of my casement windows on the den floor. It was before sunrise and I quickly surmised that this was sunlight streaming through my window.

Approaching the windows, I could see the Waning Gibbous Moon still high in the crystal-clear sky. I grabbed my DSLR and shot a few photos of it from the vantage point of my window. My 200 mm lens lets me get quite close, but I also tried to get a shot that captured the window frame and put Earth’s satellite in context. The shots came out well and I shared them on Instagram.

I tapped on the 2.5 zoom and found that the moon was still just a tiny gray and white blob in the background. Next, I decided to push past the optical into digital zoom and noticed that I could bring in a bit more lunar landscape detail. However, to hold onto the focus and the lower exposure enough to keep the moon’s luminance from blowing out the image, I had to hold my finger on the screen, right over the moon, until Apple’s Camera app locked exposure and focus.

Less than an hour later, I glanced out at the now bright blue sky and noticed that the moon was still clearly visible. I had another idea for a photo, but this time I grabbed Apple’s new iPhone 12 Pro Max. It has a 2.5x optical zoom which is no match for my big lens, but I still thought I could do something interesting.

Alternatively, (although I found this to be detrimental) we can even use BERTs pre-pooled output tensors by swapping out last_hidden_state with pooler_output — but that is for another time.

We don’t connect to his story because we’ve been in his shoes, we connect to it because he tells his story through themes that we can all relate to. We’ve all been a scared kid being threatened by a bully or a young adult trying to find our way in the world or a grown-up, struggling to navigate bureaucracy. Persuasion isn’t about telling people how you feel, it’s about helping them to see your perspective from their point of view. That’s the principle behind all good storytelling. And with Unforgiven, Dave Chappelle has proven that he’s a master of it.

The results are a combination of lens quality, sensor stabilization, optical and digital zoom levels, and, of course, powerful-real-time image processing on the A14 Bionic CPU, and Smart HDR (which was turned on for this photo).

Around 3 years ago, triggered by getting a Lenovo X1C6 to replace my Macbook Air, I started tinkering with performance tweaks a bit more than before and one of the things I noticed is that if I use a low latency kernel, at least for my specific type of usage, the overall experience is a bit snappier. Since then, I have used the low latency kernel with Ubuntu on pretty much most of my daily drivers and the experience has been consistently better at least for what I do.

I’d normally prefer a tripod at this level of zoom, but the iPhone 12 Pro Max has an extra image stabilization capability called “sensor-shift image stabilization,” which lets the image processor float on an x-y axis to reduce whatever shake you introduce while holding the phone. With that in mind, I simply put my elbows on my chest, spread my feet apart, took one deep breath, and snapped the shot.

These are pretty great results for such a simple output network. Further fine-tuning, the addition of CNNs, LSTMs, or other more expressive networks may improve our results even further.

One of the main perks of buying a Linux laptop is that it comes optimized and there’s very little to tweak beyond your own personal visual preferences and such. So I have been just running on the stock kernel and had completely forgotten about the low latency option.

If you are following me here already, you will probably have noticed that I recently switched to a System 76 Lemur Pro as my daily driver and since running an OS made by the hardware vendor has obvious merits, I also went with Pop! OS when I made the switch. So-far, my experience has been great with very minimal gripes which I will save for another post.





















fundamental contributions to physics. These include the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics (developing pictorial representations describing the behavior of subatomic particles, the famous Feynman diagrams), and the theoretical explanation of the superfluidity of liquid helium. He also pioneered the field of quantum computing, introduced the concept of nanotechnology, among many other things. Feynman was also a famous popularizer of physics.

I was honestly stunned at the quality. Sure, the moon image breaks down if you zoom in on the photo, but I’ve never before captured anything quite like it on a smartphone.

Catagory :general