A world crisis is unlikely to be solved at an individual level — we need collective change. Our focus shouldn’t be on li

Author : ahamza.milano.542
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 03:55:10

Refusing to have kids is like a climate strike, a desperate attempt to skid and stop at the edge of a crumbling cliff before we plummet into this man-made doom. Then there’s the ethical dilemma of making innocent children victims of our existential suicide — one that we created, one that we can’t Ctrl Z (not immediately, anyway). How will they cope in these extreme conditions, and how will children in less fortunate, unprotected places in the world survive? In my mind I see children in third-world countries crying, starving, dying in the unlivable heat. It haunts me.,This intuitively means that if you are actively working within the child submodule, your workflow must also include managing the parent’s reference to the child. For instance, when you make a new commit in the child, you need to ALSO commit the parent’s reference to the child in order to keep the full project up to date. This can clearly become painful. Especially if you have many submodules or multiple levels of nested submodules. Each commit in any child repository equally requires updates to all references to that repository. This is why, in my opinion, submodules should only be used if the development team of the parent repository is different from the development team of the child. Submodules work well to keep track of references to external source code dependencies. However, I believe submodules do not work well to segment a single development team’s project into multiple sub-components. The resulting increase in complexity is not worth the additional effort required to maintain the parent/child relationship.,Scientists predict that carbon emissions must fall to two tonnes of carbon dioxide per person by 2050 to avoid severe effects of global warming; in Australia, emissions are currently 16 tonnes per person. One published study calculated that having one less child equated to a reduction of 58 tonnes of carbon dioxide for each year of a parent’s life.,Despite these depressing statistics, there are valid reasons in favour of having children (and they soothe my spiralling anxieties). The cause and solution of this crisis is extremely complex with expansive grey areas. For example, an estimated 50% of consumption emissions come from the wealthiest 10% of the world’s population, who tend to have fewer kids anyway.,Why would you want to do this instead of just creating a new commit which removes that file? Because someone malicious could always go back to the previous commit and see your private credentials if you don’t remove the file from all past commits as well.,‘Letting the climate dictate decisions about my uterus increasingly feels like a sign that I’ve acclimated to a dreary future, that I’ve stopped trying,’ says O’Reilly. And she’s right: we can’t just throw in the towel and hope that not having children will solve all our ecological woes.,If we’re going to point fingers, shouldn’t we be flailing them at the biggest contributors? Why should ordinary young women and men sacrifice their future families instead? Besides, an anti-natalist attitude is a defeatist one.,Unfortunately, blasphemy was a common crime because it could occur in a moment via a minor slip of the tongue. In the wrong company or in the presence of someone with an agenda, an unkind word towards a local priest or bishop could be spun into heresy or blasphemy with dire consequences. It was often used against someone’s enemy as an easy way to cause them grief. It was difficult to try and prove or disprove what someone had actually said or not.,On a trip to Tropical North Queensland last year, I kept my eyes peeled for the elusive, unmistakeable electric-blue Ulysses butterfly. With breeding rates dropping to zero, it’s on the verge of extinction due to extreme temperatures and not enough wet seasons (the optimum conditions for the butterflies to lay eggs). I thought I caught a glimpse of the iconic species in the Daintree rainforest one afternoon, but perhaps it was my imagination. Perhaps we’ll only ever see them in our imaginations and museums — an ominous reminder of what we’ve lost.,An additional note of interest: when using git submodules you must recognize that the parent repository will store no backup of the contents of the submodule. Only a reference. If you do not own the location which the submodule references, there is no guarantee that what you’re referencing will continue to exist at that location forever. If you do not own the remote location, I highly suggest creating your own remote location which is a clone of the original location as opposed to depending on a third party to maintain their repository at that exact location forever.,Millennials and Generation Zers will witness many horrors of global warming before we’re gone. Well, we already are — the recent Californian fires, mirroring the Australian Black Summer, fuelled by record-breaking temperatures and months of severe drought, is a flaming red flag we can’t ignore. Amidst the pandemic and the looming inevitable natural disasters, I’ve given up on ‘summer plans’ or ‘holidays’ this year, and maybe for years to come.,The above command will execute for every commit in the tree starting at and working backward from HEAD. The command will create a new commit with the new content for each commit. For example, say that you accidentally committed your private user credentials as a file in your git repository. You suddenly noticed this was the case several commits later. You could run the following command to re-write all your previous commits by removing that file from each commit.,It’s glaringly obvious that our Earth is diminishing in natural resources, beauty and wonder — things look pretty grim for us and future generations. My concerns are that if I bring more energy-guzzling, carbon-emitting little humans into the world, I’ll only add fuel to the wildfires, rising sea levels, food shortages and mass animal extinction. I’ll only contribute to the problem.,U.S. congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sparked controversy when she stated: ‘It is basically a scientific consensus that the lives of our children are going to be very difficult, and it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: is it OK to still have children?’,Perhaps it’s a matter of having fewer kids with enforced birth restrictions? Or maybe I’ll just keep adopting kittens and turn into the crazy cat lady I always joked about. Ha! It ceases to make me laugh now though.

Catagory :general