According to science, a lie is something that goes against evidence. The evidence contradicts it. In logic and mathemati

Author : 0mahmoudhamde24
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:25:08

The cynical in our society answer with the first or the second. Truth is irrelevant. This goes further than saying the world is what it is. It says it doesn’t matter what the world is. And surely that just adds to the lie.

And this is true of much of reality: what we think of as intrinsic properties of the world are merely effects of multiple causes coinciding. Thus, reality is not so much things being as things interacting and if all things are interaction, then perhaps there really are no things, just interaction itself.

Indeed, consciousness could, as Penrose has suggested, be a result of the quantum entanglement of the brain with itself causing it to become self-aware via its global connectedness, in which case, consciousness is not unique but endemic to the universe. It is only in the brains of higher organisms, however, that it achieves the level of organization to create genuine self-awareness.

Perhaps the body or more properly the brain is like a vessel and the mind is water, filling it. When the vessel is broken, the water spills out and drains away, perhaps to reform again one day. This is the Descartesian dualism of the ghost in the machine.

Could the universe, with its high level of organization at the scale of billions of lightyears, be aware of itself in this way through the instantaneous connection of entanglement? Nobody knows.

What makes people aware? Does consciousness exist apart from the body? Yet, if it weren’t for the body providing feedback to the consciousness, would consciousness exist? I.e., without something to behold, does the beholder exist?

Alternatively, consciousness is the effect of the interaction of mind with matter. And if there are no “things” such as mind and matter to begin with, only interaction, might all consciousness be part of the universe’s own interconnectedness? The ultimate interaction.

Science is a way of peeling back the unreality of the world and peering into the truth that underlies appearances. Physics in particular has been able to tell us a great deal about what matter, motion, time, and force are.

The constant stream of biased news reports in our own society shows that, despite greater access to evidence than ever before, what is said and what is perceived are growing further apart than ever.

Modern philosophers have tried to argue that our own universe may be a simulation using Bayesian arguments, suggesting that, for whatever reason, some superadvanced civilization would be more likely to simulate us than we would be to evolve naturally. There is absolutely no evidence of this and proponents of Bayesian arguments are notorious for superimposing their own preconceived notions onto reality since they naturally involve making guesses about what is likely to be true without any evidence. This way of thinking is provocative but a dead end both philosophically and scientifically.

Consider something simple like the color of the fall leaves in my backyard. Physics tells us that color is actually related to the wavelength of visible light. Hence, a red leaf reflects wavelengths longer than those of a green leaf. Color is a property, not of the leaf alone, but of how the leaf interacts with light and also with the eye.

Social norms are hardly the only source of that feeling that life is fake. Language itself is filled with half-truths, convenient generalizations that help us to delineate the world while at the same time avoid its chaos of unique circumstances. Literate cultures such as ours find this magnified by the written word which gives language persistence and generalization. Indeed, anthropologists have shown that people from literate cultures can better understand syllogisms than those from illiterate cultures where logical statements like “for all” and “there exists” are difficult to comprehend amidst the ever changing perceptions of a life lived without a persistent method of information storage beyond memorization.

Perhaps the mind is like a story about the vessel of the body (or brain) that the universe makes in order to know itself. As the painter paints the vessel, the writer adds to the story. When the vessel is broken, the story remains. Knowing is as much a part of the universe as existing and all knowledge remains within the universe (according to quantum conservation of information). Thus, our consciousness (we might even venture to call it our soul) is emergent from the brain rather than living in the brain, a story that is told, and then put away for another time.'er-Sheva-Maccabi-Haifa-v-en-gb-1gkj30122020-14.php'er-Sheva-Maccabi-Haifa-v-en-gb-1hct-3.php'er-Sheva-Maccabi-Haifa-v-en-gb-1ldn30122020-12.php

marriage and family therapist Julia McGrath, it’s best to avoid appearance-based statements like “You look tired” or “You appear frazzled,” which can hurt the feelings of someone who’s already struggling. Opt instead for emotion-focused words, such as overwhelmed, burned out, or frustrated.

The most essential interaction for any truth to be perceived is with the mind. In this mysterious realm, all our perceptions end up, all truths are validated, and all questions are asked.

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