Also, the fact that the creator of Swift, Chris Lattner, is now working on Google’s AI brain team just shows that Swift

Author : 1abdo.abdo7
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 01:25:17

One way relationships can become unhealthy is when people experience enmeshment. The American Psychological Association defines “enmeshment” as “a condition in which two or more people, typically family members, are involved in each other’s activities and personal relationships to an excessive degree, thus limiting or precluding healthy interaction and compromising individual autonomy and identity.”

How people engage with technology has evolved significantly over the last decade. Our methods for designing products for that technology have not kept up. We tweak methods we’ve never held accountable for efficacy and then debate the merits of those “improvements”. But at what point do we say, “The outcomes produced by X method don’t warrant the effort we put into it, so maybe it shouldn’t be our go-to anymore.”

To have that, we have to work on ourselves, including our attachment styles that have been forming since we were born. We do our best, though our successes also come with mistakes. Even when we have the best of intentions, we can still slip up or self-betray — and sometimes, we don’t even know it.

Are you good? Great. Let’s proceed to dive into my “top of mind” areas that are most obviously not working in our wacky world of digital design. This is an attempt to raise issues, not cover them in any exhaustive way. That will require a lot more discussion, research, and time from all of us collectively. There are also some critical topics that I intentionally left out that I intend to cover in the future. Feel free to bring up your own topics in the comments, but trust me, this is a long enough rant as it is.

No one in the 21st century actually interacts with any system in a well-defined linear flow, not in consumer settings or enterprise. It’s not how purchases are made and not how work gets done. Why are we taking the time to create narratives and map stories in sequences that don’t actually happen? Do they illuminate anything that we could not define better using other methods? And does the fact we can’t easily answer that question disturb you as much as it does me? As much as I’ve promoted the use of journey maps in my career, I would argue that they do not. The thing is, I can’t have an honest debate about this in any forum and have it result in a productive dialogue. It’s not a discussion most are interested in having. And that’s the problem. For many designers, the idea of letting go of an established tool or method in their arsenal, especially one they’ve staked their career on, is akin to saying they were wrong for ever using it in the first place and therefore putting their expertise into question. But that’s the flaw in the practice of modern digital design. We don’t embrace the volatile and disposable nature of what we do to continually evolve how we do it as other design disciplines do.

is a series of numbers that every number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The first two numbers, X₀ and X₁, are special. They are 0 and 1 respectively. Since X₂, the patter is as above-mentioned, it is the sum of X₀ and X₁, so X₂=1. Then, X₃ is X₁ X₂ =2, X₄ is X₂ X₃=3, X₅ is X₃ X₄ = 5, and so on.

Let’s take a look at a staple of UX and service design work — the journey map. We love making them. The storytelling potential of a well-constructed journey map is immense. It is a highly effective workshop facilitation tool. It produces a nice artifact for external communication afterward. But if I’m truly honest with you, in my gut, I know that the majority of them don’t help do more than tell the most surface-level story of limited user paths. And an inaccurate story at that.

It’s important to note that Python as a programming language won’t disappear any time soon. Instead, it’ll only take a backseat in data science as the languages that are more specifically designed for deep learning will rule.

As the size of data continues to increase, Python’s Achilles heel will be soon found out. Gone are the days when ease of use and ability to write code quickly mattered. Speed and parallel computing are the names of the game and Python, which is a more general-purpose language, will no longer solve that problem. Inevitably, it will fade away while Julia and Swift seem like the candidates to take over the reins.

So in that spirit, I’m letting loose a rant I’ve been sitting on for a long time about what I see as some of the most major roadblocks to good practice in design and then touch on some suggestions that I hope will spark productive dialogues.

This, more than anything, I feel is the true root of the prevalence and unique intensity of imposter syndrome among designers — the relentless fear that despite our best efforts to seek adequate knowledge and guidance, we still aren’t fully prepared to do justice to the work we’re hired to do even when we actually are. This fear gets internalized in so many other destructive ways that go far beyond just second-guessing ourselves doing the work. Ways like — we don’t always speak up for the integrity of outcomes when we need to. We don’t feel empowered to call out unethical practices. Or we feel lowkey apologetic about demanding that clients and employers stick to the terms of our service. It’s a dark cloud that hangs over many of us that we adapt to instead of eradicating. Instead of confronting its causes, we collectively ascribe it to human nature — just a thing we have to make peace with. And to a certain extent, that is true — imposter syndrome definitely is a normal part of life. Still, we can mitigate the crippling degree that we experience as designers by being honest with ourselves about the overarching contributing factors, facing them head-on, and then forcing ourselves to radically rebuild how we work and teach.

The design industry is a living paradox. By many measures, it is smugly self-satisfied and self-absorbed while simultaneously being full of some of the most talented and generous people you’ll ever meet. But self-awareness is not our strong suit. We ascribe our inability to get equal consideration in workplaces to external factors. We act as though we come to businesses all buttoned-up with strategically chosen professional methods and standardized workflows. And we all know that’s a lie. Name any other profession that could continually get away with the incredible inconsistencies in quality that we collectively generate. Now I know every industry has a bit of messiness when you look under the hood, but we’re designers. We’re uniquely positioned to create a better way. We have the ability to solve this. It’s not enough to just go on Facebook or Twitter and rant about what’s not working. We have to come to an industry-wide understanding of why these issues exist and commit to doing something about them.

It’s important to note that Python as a programming language won’t disappear any time soon. Instead, it’ll only take a backseat in data science as the languages that are more specifically designed for deep learning will rule.

Sometimes, managing relationships and ourselves within them can feel like a full-time job. So many kinds of relationships exist, and there’s always new dating slang coming out. We aim to have healthy relationships with our friends, family, potential romantic partners and even strangers — which can take work.

We have to call these issues out by name and own them. Our social media feeds are full of astute observations of the problems, but where is the next level of conversation? When do we finally get to the part where we tackle solutions?

Catagory :general