Although I have nothing against trends itself, the worst thing that a designer or a product owner can do, is to copy eve

Author : jdav
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 11:31:29

In short, Python uses GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), which prevents multiple threads from executing at the same time in order to boost the performance of single threads. This process is a big hindrance because it means that developers cannot use multiple CPU cores for intensive computing.

Think about the characteristics of your product. What style, colors and imagery would suit it the most? Maybe a real hand holding a real phone will serve your product better than the chubby, cartoonish 3D one?

Julia allows you to avoid some of these problems. Despite being dynamically typed, it has a just-in-time compiler. The JIT compiler either generates the machine code right before it’s executed or uses previously stored, cached compilations, which makes it as performant as statically typed languages. More importantly, it has a key feature known as multiple dispatch that is like function overloading of OOPs, albeit at runtime. The power of multiple dispatch lies in its ability to handle different argument types without the need to create separate function names or nested if statements. This helps in writing compact code, which is a big win in numeric computations since unlike Python, you can easily scale solutions to deal with all types of arguments.

That’s why you should be able and try to describe the idea or main benefit of your product in a single, powerful sentence. You need to you catch a visitor’s attention and interest in a first few seconds of a session.

Incorporating a popular trend just to be like everyone else in the industry seems wrong from the start — this is an easy way to look just like everyone else and easily get lost in the crowd.

As compiled languages that offer type annotations, Swift and Julia are a lot faster and robust for development than Python. That alone might be enough to recommend them over the older language, but there are other factors to consider as well.

Make sure that the overall proportion of text and images on the landing page is at least 50:50. The text should be accompanied by images or data visualisations, or it will look too dull and heavy.

A huge part of my recovery has been learning to be completely honest, even if people will see that I’m not following societal rules and norms. Letting go and not caring when people judge me for it is a key part of building confidence and comfort in sobriety.

That’s how ridiculous this secrecy can be about even the smallest things. The rule that a weekday is a workday is completely made up. It’s not even true. Yet I still have a compulsion to be seen as following it.

A person visiting your page will most likely scroll through the content rather then go through every simple paragraph, and will most likely leave the page if there’s too much text.

e a brief look at OOP. The object-oriented style of programming does not need an object-oriented language. Even nowadays you can find software written in C where methods are just a convention of writing functions whose first parameter is a pointer to the receiver:

Your landing page is about selling a product — not about getting thousands of likes from other designers. A very fresh example — using 3D illustrations (because everyone does that now!) won’t necessarily guarantee you lots of sales. It can even work quite the opposite.

Even better, Swift is a statically typed language and is highly optimized due to its LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) compiler. The LLVM makes it possible to quickly compile into assembly code, making Swift super-efficient and almost as fast as C. Also, Swift boasts better memory safety and management tools known as Automatic Reference Counting. Unlike garbage collectors, ARC is a lot more deterministic as it reclaims memory whenever the reference count hits zero.

Instead of putting the same 15 CTA buttons on your landing page, think about the one CTA button that just flows on the top of the page as the user scrolls down. This way it’s always visible and easily accessible, but not too aggressive.

Contrary to the popular belief, putting 15 CTA’s one next to another, or repeating it under every single section of your landing page won’t necessarily result in higher conversion rates. It will more likely be just extremely irritating to your visitors.

Catagory :general