And when I say I hated things I used to love, I mean, activities that I once lived for; that I considered hobbies, pasti

Author : 2sofia
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 08:42:43

couraging and time-consuming, but I know this for certain: the success of your product will be directly proportional to the quality of work done in this initial customer discovery phase. It’s worth doing it, and it’s certainly worth doing it well.

For some some confidential business meetings, he made sure to set the settings to not display the title of the meeting and/or the attendees. But again, you can never be 100% transparent, especially as the company keeps growing and you’re looking at a potential acquisition. Information can’t leak.

The image above is a screenshot of my CEO’s calendar. It contains business as well as personal events. He always saves it all up under his company email, so everybody can see what he was up to on the general google calendar.

It’s not a rule to not pay yourself when you start a company. This will depend on the financial health of your project, but in many cases, you won’t see a lot of money coming into your checking account during the launch phase. In the case of my CEO, he didn’t make a dime for the first 2 years at his job. He is the founder and CEO, he created his company from the ground up, and he had no option but to reinvest all the money made into further development, at least in the beginning.

I felt the same way about socializing, which I know is a “thing” for the newly sober. I knew it would be different to be without the armor alcohol provided me in situations when I would be expected to have lively discussions and be super extroverted (INFP over here).

We’re often told the lessons above are good principles to follow in life. Be honest (transparent), treat everyone the same way, acknowledge people… But how many of us actually care about all this? Witnessing firsthand those lessons being applied by my CEO has definitely had more impact on me than sheer theory.

To make things even more interesting, because you have to sit with your feelings when you’re sober, I’d started to have this increasing sense that I was so privileged as a drinker — and now as a non-drinker—that I stopped allowing myself certain luxuries because of this sad sense of white fragility (pathetic). To be sure, many of the resources I had begun to lean on to support myself in sobriety were (and are) super white, ultra classist; but then, so was buying $25 bottles of rose every night and thinking that was normal (also pathetic).

Sometimes, in those early months, I’d start making a meal and abandon it the minute I realized I’d have to clean a head of broccoli, because fuck, who has the energy to rinse a vegetable when chopping garlic feels like an insurmountable pain in the ass? Takeout it is. Or was, rather.

Thanks a lot for reading! I interviewed 50 productivity experts and made a 150 page guide out of the project. This is road-tested advice from real people who get things done. Get it for free here.

As I said in the beginning of this article, my CEO recently sold his company for $30 million. Following the announcement of the acquisition, it was made clear that he was not going anywhere. We were going to stay the same, just more secured financially, which is a blessing in such uncertain economic times.

I couldn’t pinpoint why, exactly, I got so pissed off while chopping garlic for marinara, when at one time I found it a sensory joy to split open that pungent smell of a fresh clove as I minced away.

Thanks a lot for reading! I interviewed 50 productivity experts and made a 150 page guide out of the project. This is road-tested advice from real people who get things done. Get it for free here.

Except for a few times where things really went south and he lost his temper (which in a way is also a way to be transparent), I never saw him treat people a specific way based on who they were.

My CEO reinvested a large amount of his personal profit into growing the company even more, and he will keep his responsibilities for at least the next few years. Why? Because he’s passionate, driven, and because he can’t sit still doing nothing for more than 2 minutes. That’s the power of entrepreneurship done right.

While I spent a lot of my energy trying to find ways sobriety would work best for me (meditation, yoga, reading, naps, puzzles, alone time), at the same time I started to avoid some of the activities I used to love when I was a drinker, like cooking, socializing, and going to spin class.

Catagory :general