Another core movement that will set you up for proper movement through the day. Do one plank of 30–60s. Again, it’s not

Author : dmario.men9
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 23:41:29

Running the clocks at high frequencies for too long tends to make them overheat. I don’t know how the system would respond to this (hopefully it would down-clock them or shut down the system automatically before there were serious problems), but I don’t really want to find out.

After locking the clocks, I had everything in place: a system that could reproduce my startup situation with reliable consistency, and a simple command-line I could execute that would return a stream of results. I was able to copy the results, paste them into a spreadsheet, and analyze them (by comparing my startup averages to various before/after situations I wanted to experiment with).

Unfortunately, locking CPU frequency manually can be tricky. Fortunately, the AndroidX benchmark library makes it simple. In fact, you don’t even need to write code for the benchmark APIs; you can use the library just to get the handy lockClocks and unlockClocks utilities that it provides.

To make use of this, we will have to create a user on the JupyterHub Docker container. There are other ways of doing this such as having a script placed on the container and executed at container start up but we will do it manually as an exercise. If you tear down or rebuild the container you will have to recreate users.

One of the kings of mobility, the goblet squat hold is a good move for the morning. You’ll wake up a lot of your muscles — quads, calves, glutes, entire core, arms, scapula stabilizers, and grip strength. This will help your muscles to continue warming up before moving into the rest of the session, as well as increasing your mobility to help you move well throughout the day.

“Your core is literally responsible for keeping you upright all day…. Activating your core first thing in the morning can help reduce pain and injury from daily activities.” — Tim Hampton, a NASM-certified personal trainer

The benchmark utility locks clocks at an easily sustainable level, not a high-performance level. If the clocks were running as high as possible instead, you might get better performance, but:

e people (i.e. me) procrastinate and never end up publishing anything because we’re fixated on the bigger Thing — the Novel, the Post, the Feature, the Investigative Whatever. We’re distracted by our intentions and our aspirations. But unless you’ve somehow acquired a ghostwriter, none of those bigger Things are possible until you make sentences. It’s tedious, but crucial. A wall is made of bricks. A story is made of sentences.

Note that you will want to unlock the clocks when you are done with your testing. The device will unlock them on reboot, but you can also unlock them by running the opposite gradle task:

“The majority of people have a weak posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, and lower back). Activating these muscles right away can help prevent common ailments like low back pain, hamstring pulls, and bad posture — plus, it’ll help open up tight hip flexors from sitting all day.” — Lesley Bell, NASM-certified personal trainer

You want test results with realistic, or even poor, performance, like many of your users will see in the field. You do not want to only see best-case performance, which is not what people would typically see in reality.

This movement will also strengthen your glutes, a muscle that gets weaker with our current sedentary life. Starting your day with this movement will also prime your body to move properly throughout the day. Your glutes will be switched on, which will make them more likely to fire while you move throughout your day.

To make use of this, we will have to create a user on the JupyterHub Docker container. There are other ways of doing this such as having a script placed on the container and executed at container start up but we will do it manually as an exercise. If you tear down or rebuild the container you will have to recreate users.

This is a core exercise which provides a similar idea to the glute bridge above. This movement will prime your core to support you through the day, to ensure you are moving properly.

That output was a pretty good indication that it worked on my Pixel 2. An even better indication was that my startup tests now took significantly longer than they did before. But wait, why are locked clocks slower?

Catagory :general