Another revolution was Symbols. They’re a common UI element that can be nested multiple times and create reusable, consi

Author : 1glenng
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 00:58:05

Many other groups from all around the world participated during the years. Each day of the week, dancers and musicians perform for the excited audience in various city districts. When the sun goes down, all the groups hang out at the dormitory.,Craft — a plugin for Sketch that allowed the InVision integration to work was often quite slow when creating those blue connection arrows. This was visible especially on more complex pages with many visually complex screens on them.,Self-observation not only improves self-awareness — it provides you with a sense of detachment in challenging situations. Instead of being controlled by your thoughts and feelings, an ability to observe them will arise instead.,The clouds metaphor explains this best. Imagine your thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations as clouds floating through the sky. Sometimes they’re dark and angry. Sometimes they’re light and calm. But ‘you’ are not the clouds. You are the blue sky who observes the clouds, without engaging. You simply observe them until they pass.,When InVision entered our workflow you can’t even start to believe how happy it made us! Finally we were able to create complex, multi-screen prototypes inside Sketch, link the screens together with transitions and test the flows.,I have a wonderful relationship with anxiety today. I still get anxious in challenging situations — it’s natural after all — but with the help of self-observation, I watch it pass by, without engaging.,From a myriad of beautiful memories, one will always stand out for its purity. We hosted groups from both Croatia and Serbia. These two nations used to be part of one country called Yugoslavia and since its breakup and following bloody war filled with atrocities, they’ve had an unstable relationship.,In short, given that great minds think alike for the same reason passengers boarded the same train . . . of thought inevitably end up at the same destination, we should hardly be surprised that two of histories greatest minds both made their fortune by mastering similar principles.,The opening scene took place eight years ago. As a dancer of the group, which organizes the festival, I guided the foreign participants since I was 16. And as a guy with the best English from all the organizers, I always took care of the most exotic groups — the Polynesian Cook Islands, New Zealand, India, Mexico, Congo, France, or Croatia.,The DMN is active when our minds are directionless, aimlessly drifting from thought to thought. This has been linked to rumination and overthinking, which can have a detrimental impact on our personal well-being.,Being part of this festival has been one of the best things in my life. The experience of travelling to another country and soaking up the culture is irreplaceable, there’s no denying. But this festival brought the entire world right to my doorstep.,It is an incredible cultural melting pot. People of various ethnicities, religions, and cultural backgrounds dance, sing, discuss, and drink together. Sometimes two young souls fall for each other and go intimate. No matter the age, everybody is having the time of their lives.,Mindful self-observation has been found to decrease activation of the DMN, which in effect, quietens our busy minds. In one study, regions of the DMN showed reduced activation in meditators compared to non-meditators, which has been interpreted as a diminished reference to self.,I will never forget that night in the bar. Twenty young Croats singing their lungs and hearts out in unison with their Serbian brothers and sisters. They stopped right in the middle of one song, everybody held hands, bowed their heads, and began to pray.,Although brain research in this area is only just emerging, some promising studies have targeted an area known as the default mode network (DMN), also known as the ‘wandering mind.’

Catagory :general