Are lab grown diamonds strong and durable like real diamonds?

Author : simonhopes
Publish Date : 2021-02-03 14:23:33

The topic of lab grown diamondsblog has always been a debatable one among the gemologists across the world. However recently it was declared that the quality and the physical property of a lab grown diamond is as good as a real diamond.In terms of both the chemical and the optical property of diamonds the lab grown diamond completely resembles real diamond and is an alternative for diamond lovers who want to buy diamond at a cheap price. Diamonds are naturally created when carbons are exposed to extreme temperature and heat. However the same process can be replicated to grow diamonds in laboratories. In the laboratories the carbon molecules are exposed to extreme temperature and high pressure which leads to the formation of diamonds which is popularly known as the lab grown diamonds. How lab grown diamonds were have some advantages which includes the aspects of eco-friendliness and ethical practices of producing diamonds. The rising social and environmental issues have created the demand for lab grown diamonds because mind diamonds are created by disbursing hundred and square feet of land and leads to tons of resource wastage.

Buying lab grown diamond is an environment conscious choice

If you read through blogs of Lab grown vs real diamonds you will have an idea of the ways through which naturally mined diamonds can create hazard in the environment. Constant mining of the earth surface can lead to environmental pollution and this is the reason why mining diamonds can take a toll on nature. So the buyers of lab grown diamonds have increased over time due to the increase in environmental issues across the world. Mining diamonds are also associated with an ethical work environment and wrong practices of the work culture. In the process of mining diamonds several injuries are caused to the worker. On the other hand the synthetic diamonds are lab grown diamonds created in the labs which leads to minimal hazard to the worker alongside making it an environment friendly diamond. The availability of artificial makes it cost effective however when you buy lab grown diamonds you will never compromise on the quality or the property of a diamond. In other words it can also be stated that lab grown diamonds are real diamonds indeed.

Different technologies used for growing diamonds in the laboratories

With the advancement of science there are various technologies that are used for growing damage in the labs. Hpht is one of the popular ways through which diamonds are grown in the laboratories. In this process the carbon is exposed to extreme pressure and temperature which leads to the process of crystallization and formation of your precious diamond. The cvd method is also one among the popular methods that is used for producing diamonds in the laboratories. Both the processes are different but the purpose is the same in this. The main purpose is to expose carbon to high temperature and heat. In this process the carbon is broken down and the crystalline structure is achieved. Upon providing the final touch by the expert designers these diamonds are ready to add up to your elegance and beauty.

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