As my core became stronger throughout college, so did my posture, running efficiency, and overall performance. For examp

Author : wmomedrdwl
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 23:11:04

Self-awareness is a tremendous tool for helping us understand ourselves and be at peace with who we are. It leads to self-confidence by building on the knowledge of who you are.

Most people would argue that working out harder or longer will help you get stronger and fitter. But when it comes to the plank, you don’t actually need to hold it for very long to reap the benefits.

Therefore, limiting your plank hold to a reasonable amount of time (i.e. 60 seconds) optimizes the exercise in terms of effectiveness as well as efficiency. It’s a double win.

If you tend to hunch over your computer all day like me, or your posture in general just isn’t the best, a weak core certainly won’t do you any favors. Luckily, the plank can help improve your posture.

Thus, the plank is an extremely efficient core exercise. One minute is all you need to strengthen your torso. When I was in college, many of the different variations of the core routine that my coach made for me included a one minute plank hold.

Once I got to college and started training at the division one level, I received a much more structured weight lifting routine, which included a series of abdominal exercises. Only, these exercises focused on efficiently strengthening the entire core. Guess what? Traditional crunches weren’t even on the list.

“Strengthening and challenging your core is very important, because it will help improve different bodily postures you might find yourself in throughout the day,” Schumacher says. “Everything from picking up a heavy box, to just standing up, requires a strong core.”

Calvin Coolidge says “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” If you want long-term success, stop avoiding what’s hard.

Filling your core routine with meaningful exercises like planks could help you get the most bang for your buck. Think about it. Theoretically, you could invest the same amount of time doing crunches vs. a simple plank, but benefit far more from planking. This is because when you plank, you also work muscles in your shoulders and legs. The crunch just doesn’t engage those muscles in the same way.

you envision your future? Relationship and intimate partners aside — what do you imagine your life to look like when you look back on it from the final finish line? Pinpointing the things we want from our futures is important. Long-term relationships aren’t those in which we like the same colors and the same pastimes. They’re the ones in which both partners have the same vision for the future and the same overarching goals.

I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for ways to optimize my time spent exercising, especially since my work days are incredibly busy, and I’m always juggling multiple projects at once.

When I was a young, naive, high school cross-country runner, I thought that doing loads of crunches would give me abs of steel and propel my race performances to new heights. I was severely mistaken.

Calvin Coolidge says “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” If you want long-term success, stop avoiding what’s hard.

What did make the cut was a simple yet powerful exercise — the plank. Surprisingly, planks had never been a key part of my core routine up to this point. As it turns out, planking offers key benefits that go far beyond aesthetics or athletic performance. Thus, here are some of the main reasons why you should consider adding planks to your own workout routine.

“ The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function .” F. Scott Fitzgerald said that in 1936.

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