As unbelievable this may sound, the humans that inhabited Earth thousands of years ago were not dumb. They did not just

Author : esarah.orf.73t
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 12:10:55

The discovered remnants of ash were mixed with natural insecticides that abraded insects’ exoskeletons, dehydrating, and even killing them. These fossilized beds bear testimony that early humans not only built cosy homes and comfortable beds. They also knew how to create pesticides, insecticides, and lived in good conditions. They were, in fact, more sophisticated than we originally thought — exhibiting cognitive, behavioural, and social complexity.

A pyroclastic flow is a speeding current of hot gas and volcanic matter. They show an average speed of sixty-two miles per hour and may reach up to temperatures of 1830 degrees Fahrenheit. Only such a condition could explain the 345,000 years old humanoid footprints discovered on volcanic rocks in the Roccamonfina town of Italy.

Every developer knows that cd is one of the most frequently used commands on the Linux command line. This command probably doesn’t need any further explanation. However, a lot of developers don’t know about a great option that comes with the cd command: the hyphen.

Ancient humans didn’t have one of those fancy mattresses you own, but they were very clever in putting together a comfortable place to sleep on. Archaeologists have discovered remains of cosy grass beds in Border Caves of South Africa, suggesting the existence of beds 200,000 years ago. They laid their beddings above an ash layer to create a dirt-free environment and repel crawling insects.

was released, it felt like Apple was convinced that developers would flock to the opportunity to build all-new apps for iPad. Unfortunately, history has largely demonstrated otherwise, which is why I’m still looking at sideways apps in 2020.

When we would do a diff between these two files we would get the following output. Make sure to add the -c option. This option outputs the difference in context mode which makes the output much more readable.

This can be useful when downloading a database backup from the server, for example. If you want to upload something from your machine to the remote host you switch around the parameters.

Though there were nine different human species throughout the evolutionary timeline, they were scattered all across the earth in different time periods. However, a few studies suggest that around 1,900,000 years ago, three human species cohabited in the same area of South Africa. Though not our direct ancestors, they were all human species — A. africanus, Paranthropus robustus, H. erectus.

In this example, derk is the user and is the host. The address of the host is followed by a colon. After the colon, you specify the path to the file that needs to be copied. The second argument is the destination which in this case is a folder on your own machine. The result of this command is that file.txt gets copied from the server to your local machine’s ~/destination folder.

Italian archaeologists and geologists explained that these footprints could be of curious Neanderthals. They could have visited the area during a volcanic eruption when the surface was soft yet cool — most likely not above 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Homo neanderthalensis were stocky hunters that inhabited the cold steppes of the European land. Homo erectus were the first to stand upright and lived predominantly in Indonesia. Denisovans inhabited Asia, while Homo rhodesiensis lived in central Asia. Homo naledi, Homo luzonensis, Homo floresiensis were all short species with small-sized brains. They occupied South Africa, Philippines, and Indonesia respectively. Additionally, the mysterious people of Red Deer Cave occupied large areas in China.

If you’ve ever worked with version control chances are you’ve used a diff command before. When using Git, for example. This command allows you to see the changes that you’ve made to a certain file.

The lsof command lists all open files. The syntax is simple, all you have to is type lsof. In the absence of any options, this command will list all open files belonging to all the active processes.

The reason locate is so fast is because it doesn’t read the file system for the searched file or directory name. Instead, it refers to a database to find what the user is looking for and based on that search, produces its output.

The diff command stands for difference and allows you to compare files line by line. Let’s say we have two files that both contain a list of the continents. The only difference between those files is the order that the continents are placed in.

Catagory :general