B12, also known as cobalamin, is a vitamin responsible for cell metabolism and its presence within the body is a vital o

Author : rmehdi-fc
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 18:21:29





















a really cool article about a windows exploit that a German student discovered that takes advantage of the trusted binary ‘fodhelper.exe’ that is a part of windows. It is located in System32 and is signed by Microsoft, so when you run it, the UAC prompt (pictured below), which is normally required to run a program as an administrator, is not required.

Not only do sea vegetables comprise a huge 30% of the total edible plants on earth, but they also possess phytonutrients that can’t be found in any other foods. Between their high levels of fibre, polyphenol defense compounds, polysaccharides, and carotenoids, sprinkling only a teaspoon of these super sea-foods on your dinner from time to time will help to fight disease from the inside out.

On top of being the sustaining force of all life on this earth, drinking enough water increases energy levels, improves skin, mental health, and processes involved in digestion, and dramatically decreases the risk of various health implications, including obesity.

Any and all tea consumption has actually been associated with a reduced risk of stroke, heart disease, and early death, with green tea often taking the lead for antioxidant content and immediate health benefits.

An average person will accumulate evidence of DNA damage in about 7% of their total cells. This ‘damage’ is the result of tiny breaks that occur in the strands of our DNA — with a range of causal factors such as exposure to free-radicals.

A population study on women with and without breast cancer found that individuals consuming a single sheet of nori seaweed per day may cut their risk of developing or re-developing breast cancer by more than half (15).

Studies have readily revealed that individuals that consume higher quantities of leafy greens not only perform better in cognitive tests, but also helpfully slow down the aging process within the brain (even if only by a year, or two) (13).

Even after controlling for other factors such as lifestyle, diet, and exercise, research has shown that people who drink 5 or more glasses of water per day, had about a 50% lower risk of dying from heart disease, compared to those who drank 2 or less (16).

This occurs when fibre is broken down in the colon and begins a chain reaction, of sorts, releasing not only a wealth of beneficial substances into the bloodstream, but also bringing with it positive side-effects such as a lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes, and inflammation (11).

Free radicals, FYI, are the molecules responsible for mutations within the body that can wreak havoc on lipids, proteins, and DNA, raising the likelihood of disease and cancer, in the process. Free radicals are largely unavoidable as they result from the natural process of cellular metabolism, but can be protected against through the consumption of anything with properties that include ‘anti-oxidant’ and ‘detoxifying.’

Whether or not you consider water food is only slightly less of a concern of mine than whether or not you’re actually remembering to drink enough. We get it — we know water is important, but honestly, if this list were ranked according to what single item was linked to the most optimal health outcomes, water would easily be number 1.

In addition, research has shown that including spices and herbs such as rosemary or ginger in our diet may cut the DNA damage by 25% — that’s right, it is possible to improve this damage through diet. Turmeric was found to work significantly better, and at an even smaller dose (just a pinch, daily). Similar spices will range somewhere in between 1.5 tablespoons, and a couple of pinches for maximum free-radical fighting (and anti-inflammatory) effectiveness (12).

Further to lowering the levels of oxidative damage within our DNA, green tea leaves are also thought to have the power to interfere with each stage of cancer formation from the growth of the first mutated cell, to the development of a tumor, to the spread and progression of cancer within the body. Thus, including a cup of green tea in your daily morning routine is a quick and easy way to support your overall health, in both the long and short term (17).

This is because, as we age, the level of blood flow to our brain drops significantly — likely the result of a decrease in the production of nitric oxide — that prevents our blood vessels from dilating as well. Hence, the daily consumption of nitrate-rich vegetables such as spinach and swiss chard may prove invaluable in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimers.

It is thought that seaweed and sea vegetables, in general, may help to moderate the levels of estrogen processed in the metabolism, thereby lowering the risk of associated cancers and disease.

Catagory :general