Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, shares what he has learnt in over a decade of studying climate change and investing in

Author : 1abdo.abdo7
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 01:33:14

Although Emanuel served as President Obama’s first White House chief of staff, is an alum of the Clinton administration, and is a former congressman, his name rings bells for most these days for his role in burying the truth of the 2014 police shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. An unarmed Black teen was shot 16 times and Rahm Emanuel helped suppress footage of the killing — footage that exposed police officers’ lies about the shooting — in order to help secure a second term.

According to CNN: “Biden’s agenda for his first 100 days in office will, according to both those close to him and outside groups in contact with his top aides, center on two key avenues of action: the passage of a broad economic aid package and, where legislation is not necessary, a series of executive actions aimed at advancing his priorities. Containing the Covid-19 pandemic, launching an economic recovery, and tackling racial inequality are his most urgent priorities, transition officials say.”

ith this team,” Lane said. “You have to calibrate people and establish some degree of rapport and trust, and trust really with a capital ‘T’ — if you do something that makes them no longer trust you, you’re done. There are a thousand ways to marginalize your effectiveness in the White House.”

And based on the shitty commentary he gives on TV and in print, Emanuel has learned absolutely nothing. “The progressives said we need a base candidate,” Emanuel told the New York Times last month. “No we didn’t. We needed someone to get swing voters. If you campaign appropriately, you can make that a governing transformation.”

I understand Rahm Emanuel has government experience, but as far as tackling racial inequality goes, tapping him is no less offensive than many of Donald Trump’s appointments.

That being said, 2021 has some pretty exciting new releases lined up and I can’t wait to dig right into these amazing reads. This article compiles seven of the most intriguing books to be released the next year. The books are listed in the order of how much I’m excited, why, and their release dates. You can pre-order them today and start reading them as soon as they are out in the world.

(All book blurbs are taken from the publisher’s press releases. Note that the links mentioned in this article are affiliate links. If you choose to purchase these books through these links, it will help me earn a small amount of money — at no extra cost to you. Thanks!)

I understood that if Joe Biden won the election, we were going to get Joe Biden’s politics. They are not my politics, but I chose his over certain death in the general election. But there’s also something to be said of knowing when to let go of some bad habits and those with too much baggage. If Biden can’t deny Emanuel for the sake of Laquan McDonald’s memory, he should at least do so for his own political well-being.

Emanuel was so heavily criticized for his role in delaying the release that he abandoned plans to run for mayor a third term — but not from taking high-profile media gigs. It’s bad enough that he’s gotten work at places like ABC News and The Atlantic after making such a choice. Does he really need to be rewarded even more with another opportunity to serve under another Democratic administration?

I understood that if Joe Biden won the election, we were going to get Joe Biden’s politics. They are not my politics, but I chose his over certain death in the general election. But there’s also something to be said of knowing when to let go of some bad habits and those with too much baggage. If Biden can’t deny Emanuel for the sake of Laquan McDonald’s memory, he should at least do so for his own political well-being.

“What is so hard to understand about this?” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald. Covering up a murder is disqualifying for public leadership. This is not about the ‘visibility’ of a post. It is shameful and concerning that he is even being considered.”

According to new reporting from Axios, not only is Emanuel still in contention for secretary of transportation, but Biden is “strongly considering” appointing him to the position. I don’t usually think much about Transportation secretary either, but as the piece points out, the job will likely take on new urgency in our current economic hell: “The DOT could effectively become the new Commerce Department, as infrastructure spending, smart cities construction, and the rollout of drone-delivery programs take on increasing economic weight.”

Democrats need their base of supporters to remain invigorated, and men like Rahm Emanuel do not do that. Emanuel was smug when he served on the Hill, he was smug when he worked in the White House, and he somehow managed to be even worse once he became mayor of Chicago. There are some disappointments many of us can suck up and take in stride, but when it comes to Rahm Emanuel joining the cabinet, it feels like a spit in the face.

Other folks Biden is reportedly considering for the role of transportation secretary include Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. If Biden is looking to govern from the center, that’s fine, but who you surround yourself with sends a powerful message — and going with a failed politician who tried to cover up the police killing of a Black teenager sounds a lot like a message from the Trump administration.

2020 is about to draw to a close. Like I mentioned in my article about the best books I read this year, I’ve been fortunate to discover some amazing reads. I’ve never felt as inspired and this much in love with characters in a book before.

Catagory :general