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Author : 7jose.spit
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 05:17:29

While Array and Objects have become the de facto standard to store collections and key-value pair elements, with the introduction of Map and Set you can give your code an interesting approach.

Additionally, using these data structures also eliminates the need to use a third-party library like Lodash as these new data structures provide methods like .has() and .delete() by default.

//with for-each map.forEach((value, key) => { console.log(`${key} is ${value} years old!`); }); // with for-of for(const [key, value] of map) { console.log(`${key} : ${value}`); }

Array and objects are not obsolete in any sense, however, using set and the map is surely a better way to handle data especially when building giant, complex applications.

A Map on the other hand is a combination of array and object data structure. It is a collection of key-value pairs like objects but it also remembers the insertion format and has a length(.size) property.

This blog is aimed at newbie developers who want to learn the Python programming language. It is not a complete reference work on Python libraries, but rather, highlights the several libraries that are available and briefly covers their purposes.

const RocketShipFactory = (c) => { const color = c return { fly: () => console.log(`The ${color} rocketship has launched.`), land: () => console.log(`The ${color} rocketship has landed.`) } }

Like the mathematical set, the Set in JavaScript can also be used to perform operations like union and intersection which can be used while merging data or finding common elements in two sets.

Set is an ordered collection of unique elements. ‘Unique elements’ is the primary takeaway because it means that no duplicate elements can be stored in a set. It doesn’t have a key-value pair system though.

As every language has its own libraries and to be a good developer, it is not essential to learn all the libraries. Therefore, there are some libraries that every developer should learn and know well.

const RocketShipFactory = (c) => { const color = c return { fly: () => console.log(`The ${color} rocketship has launched.`), land: () => console.log(`The ${color} rocketship has landed.`) } }

TensorFlow is one of the most prominent libraries for Python applications launched by Google in 2020. It is a free, open-source python machine learning library that allows developers to work with numerical computation. It is very easy to learn and has a handful collection of helpful tools.

When talking about Python’s popularity in both the programming and Data Science community, the first thing that arrives in mind is its integrity. One of the best specialties of Python is its inherent integrity and readability that makes it a beginner-friendly language.





















iver at the bottom of the device. This is a shift from the design language which was used previously. It is different from what the users were doing until now, and they will have to relearn the process. Moreover, it feels sort of unnatural that the shiny side is facing away from the system.

Array and objects are not obsolete in any sense, however, using set and the map is surely a better way to handle data especially when building giant, complex applications.

Catagory :general