Cacalendar every day hustlin перевод every

Author : vadimpetrov000111
Publish Date : 2021-03-02 15:01:32   starts sailing in earnest. First he turns across the wind, then tacks up into it, and the boat suddenly shrieks like a banshee. The sail-mast is cupped tight. Roger shakes his head, impressed. You would nachrichten bonn have to shout to be heard over the wind now, but no one is saying anything; they’re letting Roger concentrate on the sailing. The whiteness they are flying through is lit the same everywhere, they see nachrichten youtuber herself trying to open her eyes farther, as if there might be another kind of sight inside her, waiting for moments like this to come into play. Nothing doing. They are in a moving whiteout, that’s all nachrichten bonn toward his knees and they career off downwind, turn, turn, then catch the wind on their opposite beam, the boat’s hull tipping alarmingly to the other side. Booms below as the ballast weight shifts up to nachrichten youtuber have to shout to be heard over the wind now, but no one is saying anything; they’re letting Roger concentrate on the sailing. The whiteness they are flying through is lit the same everywhere, they see nachrichten youtuber nachrichten youtuber nothing but the ice right under the cockpit, flying by. It is not the purest whiteout Eileen has ever been in, because of the wind and the ice under the lee rail, but it is pretty close; and after a while newsome surgery nachrichten deutschland und die welt heute even the ends of the iceboat, even the ice under the lee rail, disappear into the cloud. They fly, vibrating with their flight, through a roaring white void; a strange kinetic experience, and Eileen finds newsone частота relative calm, until the next wearing about. A backward loop at the end of each tack. Roger points at the radar screen.“There they are, see?” Arthur peers at the screen.“Sitting down I take it.” Roger nachrichten bonn only sees to the horizon, and even standing up it won’t catch them farther than six k away, and we’re going about a hundred fifty k an hour. So we’ll have to do it by our APS positions.” Arthur whistles. shakes his head.“They’re still mostly over the horizon. That’s their heads.” “You hope.” Roger is looking at the APS screen and frowning. He wears away again.“We’ll have to come up on them slow. The radar Satellite navigation, to make a rendezvous in a whiteout. . . .“You could always,” Arthur begins, then claps his hand over his mouth. Roger grins at him.“It should be doable.” For a nonsailor like Eileen, it is a bit hard to believe. In fact all the blind vibration and rocking side to side have her feeling a bit dizzy, and Hans and Stephan and Frances look positively queasy. All five of them regard Roger, who looks at the APS screen and shifts the tiller minutely, then all of a sudden draws it in to his knees again. On the radar screen Freya and Jean-Claude appear as two glowing green columns.“Hey you guys,” Roger says into the radio handset, “I’m closing on you, I’ll come up from downwind, wave your arms and keep an eye out, I’ll try to come up on your left side as slow as I can.” He pulls the tiller still nothing there, just the pure white void, and he squints unhappily and tugs the tiller another centimeter closer to him. The sail is feathering now and has lost almost all its curve; it feels to gently back and forth, watching the screens intently. They come so far up into the wind that the sail-mast spreads into a very taut French curve, and they lose way. Roger glances ahead of the boat, but

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