Cluster allows you to create a cluster of child processes which you can monitor and control. Child processes allow you t

Author : yihaia.tapikig
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 10:46:52

The nullish coalescing operator makes sure that null and undefined values are not picked and it is perfect for cases where you want to ensure that there is a value or fallback to a default value.

There are ways to get more performance by doing things that are often hard to read but unless you are desperate for performance at the code level (which is rare), make it readable.

Except for class and constructor functions instancing, you should never use the “new” keyword for anything else. They can slow compilers down. Javascript is so weird that even leaving out the “new” keyword sometimes things just work.

The process object is available globally(through the global object) and it provides details on the current running process by NodeJs. It is commonly used to get arguments the NodeJs was executed with, read, and write to the console, etc. For example, the console object wraps around the process for those abilities but you will need to take a deeper dive into process when you work with Cluster.

The “or” and “and” operators coerce values to “true” and “false” which may result in undesired results. Also, don’t rely on it to do weird logical condition checks as they are not readable and easy to understand.

They are all over the internet because people find them “cool”. They are usually weird, non-conventional, and non-obvious when you look at them. It is always best to follow the guidelines of the tool you are using to ensure proper performance. Hacking should be that last alternative.

The for-in and for-of loops are very powerful ways to loop. The “for-of” loop lets you go over the values of the array, strings, Map, Set, etc. No need to change something into an array to use .forEach. I would avoid the “for-in” for looping as it is the slowest one and iterates over prototype keys.

wo years, we sold brand workshops, one-off site redesigns, customer segmentation, brand equity studies and site audits. For clients who didn’t want to retain us, we packaged our brains and sold them, Three-card Monte style, in the streets.

You may be surprised to find out that you can get away with not putting a semicolon in the Javascript code. Know that the compiler adds them and tools like Babel may easily misread your code and cause a bug to make to production. Always add semicolons!

Don’t rely on the “truthy” and “falsy” checks since you can easily introduce bugs to your code. Try to be specific in your checks as unexpected things may pass as a truthy check.

When you chain iteration method or nest loops you are increasing the complexity of the code which may slow things down later on or as your data grows. Even though some operations may require it, always assess your looping strategy to ensure you don’t have unnecessary loops or loops that can be combined together.

Having defaults is more elegant than throwing errors because something was not provided. If you really want to catch not provided values you can check my article on 25 javascript solution where I share a way to make things required that throws error if no value provided.

I recommend investing time in understanding the Javascript language itself but build with powerful tools like React and Angular to avoid common mistakes. Make sure you follow their guidelines since these tools already guard for common mistakes and employ best practices.

If you ever need to make for-loops faster try storing the properties of “length” for example and avoid accessing it on every iteration. Check this amazing article explaining loop optimization in more detail.

Promises are easy to use and anything with a callback can be “promisified”. Callbacks are synchronous and with promises and async…await you get to do things asynchronous which help speed up your code, especially because Javascript is single-threaded.

Catagory :general