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Author : jmonu.ra
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 06:33:46

Do you need to find a different job that consumes less energy? When I first started writing, I was working as a manager at a video store, not too cognitively demanding, and I worked mostly second shift, which gave me time to write in the morning and early afternoon.

WhenI gave a TEDx talk a few years ago, I said that your failure to follow your dreams doesn’t just rob you, it robs the rest of the world because we’ll never get to experience what you could’ve made or done. Your life isn’t just about you. You’re here to honor something bigger than yourself through your accomplishments.

If you want to start a business, you have to figure out what people want or need and give it to them. If you want to build a tribe or an audience, you need to find the intersection between what you want to say and what people want to hear or learn about. To reach any major goal, you mostly need to delay your gratification.

I built my writing career slowly. I spent about an hour or so a day working on my writing in the morning before I went to my full-time job. I had the most energy and the least interruptions during this time.

You must learn to monitor yourself and structure your life in a way that gives you enough energy to complete the things that matter most to you. Look at how you structure your life.

Last, it’s not so much that you have this big arduous task to complete every single day on the way to achieving your goal. Instead, you have to deal with minutiae — teeny tiny little steps involved, day in and day out, for weeks, months, and years, to get the job done. The two aforementioned obstacles keep you from building the discipline to get this part right, which makes you want to quit very early on.

First, you have your day to day life. It’s not that your life is crazy difficult, but you just have this ‘death by a thousand cuts’ mechanism working in it — job, commute, errands, chores, keeping up with family/friends, health/exercise, news and media consumption.

To make progress on a project you want to work on, you must find the best time to achieve the combination of the most energy and the least interruptions. For most people that means waking up earlier in the morning. Some are night owls. You know yourself. Think in terms of energy management, not time management.

There are many naysayers and people who will try to pull you back into the barrel. Don’t share your dreams with them out loud and find ways to counteract the negativity in the world.

Yes, you’ll fail along the way. You can have complete and total failures. But, if you follow the basic methods of self-improvement and apply them to enough projects, businesses, long-term goals, etc, you’ll have some level of success given a long-enough time frame.

Is life all about accomplishment? No. Many of the joys in life are simple — family, fun, the present moment, love, showing compassion for others, etc. But following through with your dreams is an act of love, fun, compassion, and honor of the present moment, too.

As far as dealing with self-doubt goes, the answer itself is simple but the process is difficult. You have to be slightly insane. You have to learn how to delude yourself into thinking things will work out. Most people do go to the grave with their dreams. Just decide you’re not going to be one of those people.

I think about this a lot. If you take the true anomalies away, basically pro athlete or famous entertainer, pretty much anything is possible. You just have to follow a series of logical steps.

Then, even if you do manage to find extra time to work on something meaningful to you, you have this voice of self-doubt in your head trying to ruin your life, the resistance.

ral sketches I made during a particularly bad flare-up. Delirious with pain and exhaustion, I decided that there must be a pain organ somewhere making all this pain. If I could just turn it off or find someone to remove it, the pain would end.

Catagory :general