compiler-cli: Expressions within ICUs are now type-checked again, fixing a regression in Ivy. This may cause compilation

Author : zmedo
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 07:26:21

Look, our people are our people. It’s not easy to ditch people we love because they, er, moan a bit. But we can put boundaries around the amount of time we spend with them and — in some cases — we can edge away. If you have trouble figuring out how much your people are affecting your mood, pause to take note of the feeling you get when you’ve been with a particular person or group. Then you’ll know what you need to do.

common: The signatures of the number pipes now explicitly state which types are accepted. This should only cause issues in corner cases, as any other values would result in runtime exceptions.

A lot of people use busyness as an antidote to anxiety. It works, up to a point. But, beyond that point, it’s an exhausting, mentally destructive, no-win game. Take an inventory of all the “stuff” in your life, then slash and burn all that’s unnecessary. Train yourself to do the things that truly matter — then be massively selective about the rest.æstved-v-svendborg-rabbits-v-da-da-1kyy-6.php

ons to feel google-ish, therefore they should share a consistent visual style. However, we must not lose their primary purpose out of sight. If the style is fixed, we need to create clear distinction in the other areas of shape and colours, especially when such icons are likely to be used in close proximity!

It’s human to worry about other people — especially those close to us, especially our kids. (Parents never stop). But we pour way too much energy into worrying about what other people are doing. What they’ve CHOSEN to do. In essence, it’s none of our business. The old saying, “if you love them, set them free” is true. And, if you don’t love them, why are you wasting any worry time at all on them? Perhaps you need to ask why you are so invested?

packaging: In v10, IE 9, 10, and IE mobile support was deprecated. In v11, Angular framework removes IE 9, 10, and IE mobile support completely. Supporting outdated browsers like these increases bundle size, code complexity, and test load, and also requires time and effort that could be spent on improvements to the framework. For example, fixing issues can be more difficult, as a straightforward fix for modern browsers could break old ones that have quirks due to not receiving updates from vendors.

But they can also make us jittery and anxious and their content can trigger distress, anger, hurt, unhelpful comparisons, unworthiness — and a raft of other unhealthy emotions. You don’t have to break up with your devices, but have an open relationship; don’t let them monopolise you.

common: The case conversion pipes no longer let falsy values through. They now map both null and undefined to null and raise an exception on invalid input (0, false, NaN) just like most 'common pipes'. If your code required falsy values to pass through, you need to handle them explicitly.

forms: Directives in the @angular/forms package used to have any[] as a type of validators and asyncValidators arguments in constructors. Now these arguments are properly typed, so if your code relies on directive constructor types it may require some updates to improve type safety.

I know, there’s a lot of sh*t to do. And, if we want to maintain any sort of order in our lives, we have to do it. But there’s also a lot of sh*t we don’t have to do, but we do anyway — because it makes us feel important/valuable/kind or that we’re keeping up with (or better than) others.

common: The typing of the keyvalue pipe has been fixed to report that for input objects that have number keys, the result will contain the string representation of the keys. This was already the case and the code has simply been updated to reflect this. Please update the consumers of the pipe output if they were relying on the incorrect types. Note that this does not affect use cases where the input values are Maps, so if you need to preserve numbers, this is an effective way.

common: The signature of the date pipe now explicitly states which types are accepted. This should only cause issues in corner cases, as any other values would result in runtime exceptions.

common: The slice pipe now returns null for the undefined input value, which is consistent with the behavior of most pipes. If you rely on undefined being the result in that case, you now need to check for it explicitly.

We’re all in relationships with our devices. To be fair, our phones make pretty good buddies, they’re there for us 24/7, they do what we want and they don’t answer back. They’ve made life easier — and often more fun — too.

common: The async pipe no longer claims to return undefined for an input that was typed as undefined. Note that the code actually returned null on undefined inputs. In the unlikely case you were relying on this, please fix the typing of the consumers of the pipe output.

Catagory :general