Data is at the very heart of any data science project and Pandas is the tool that will enable you to extract, clean, pro

Author : vzakaria.elkarmou
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 02:27:06

The Stoics borrowed a practice from the Pythagoreans, of walking at dawn and witnessing the stars going down and the sun coming up. This humbled them at the start of their day, reminding them of how small their place in the world is. It also reminds one of the workings of the cosmos, and the universe, and therefore sympatheia — our connection with the universe and everything in it. It reminds us to pass over our control to what the universe has in store for us — our place within the bigger plan.

Edit: Thanks Ron for the heads-up in the comment section. If we set the as_index parameter of the groupby function as False, the group names will not be used as the index.

I do not want to go into detail about plotting since pandas is not a data visualization library. However, the plot function is capable of creating many different plots such as line, bar, kde, area, scatter, and so on.

The pct_change is used to calculate the percent change through the values in a series. It is useful when calculating the percentage of change in a time series or sequential array of elements.

100 calories every 23 hours, you’d only eat 34,979 calories in a year. Since one pound equals about 3,500 calories and the difference between 36,500 and 34,979 is 1,521, you would lose 1/3 of a pound every year. Just by delaying your chocolate eating for one hour!

This was a core practice of the Stoics. After purposeful silence, the Stoics would think about the day ahead — the ways in which they would go about their day, how they would behave in accordance with the four virtues of Stoicism (wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance), the challenges they may face, and how they would work to overcome these.

We will do several examples of the groupby function. Let’s start with a simple one. The code below will group the rows based on the geography-gender combinations and then give us the average churn rate for each group.

“Sympatheia is an invitation to us to take a step back, zoom out and see life from a higher vantage point than our own. It changes our value judgments, weakens the power that luxury and temptation have over us, reduces the seemingly insurmountable differences between people and races and turns the worries of daily life from anxiety attacks to absurdities.”

“People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills. There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. . . . So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself.”

In some cases, we need to reset the index and get rid of the original index at the same time. Consider a case where draw a sample from a dataframe. The sample will keep the index of the original dataframe so we want to reset it.

Sympatheia reminds us that we are all one, and therefore helps us to treat others with respect and in a non-judgmental way. We must look out for one another and care about each other, and therefore we must be patient and accepting of others. This view also puts things in perspective — our problems are so tiny among the vastness of the cosmos.

“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.”

We can achieve this by using the Style property which returns a styler object It provides many options for formatting and displaying dataframes. For instance, we can highlight the minimum or maximum values.

By default, categorical data is stored with the object data type. However, it may cause unnecessary memory usage especially when the categorical variable has low cardinality.

“Birds that are being prepared for the banquet, that they may be easily fattened through lack of exercise, are kept in darkness; and similarly, if men vegetate without physical activity, their idle bodies are overwhelmed with flesh, and in their self-satisfied retirement the fat of indolence grows upon them…But this, to my thinking, would be among the least of their evils. How much more darkness there is in their souls! Such a man is internally dazed.”

Catagory :general