灵魂(disney电影) 皮克斯动画《心灵奇旅》 高清在线观看-HD1080p - 高清视频

Author : ndadaksugeh12
Publish Date : 2021-01-01 11:30:22

心灵奇旅电影高清完整版在线观看,免费在线播放 - soul(2020)《心灵奇旅》完整版HD1280高清中英双字版-全集在线观看

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导演: 彼特·道格特 / 凯普·鲍尔斯
编剧: 彼特·道格特 / 麦克·琼斯 / 凯普·鲍尔斯
主演: 杰米·福克斯 / 蒂娜·菲 / 菲利西亚·拉斯海德 / 阿米尔-卡利布·汤普森 / 戴维德·迪格斯 / 格拉汉姆·诺顿 / 瑞切尔·豪斯 / 艾莉丝·布拉加 / 理查德·艾欧阿德 / 唐尼尔·罗林斯 / 安吉拉·贝塞特 / 马戈·霍尔 / 罗德莎·琼斯 / 韦斯·斯塔迪 / 沙基纳·贾弗里 / 福琼·费姆斯特 / 卡鲁姆·格兰特 / 泽诺比娅·谢罗夫 / 琼·斯奎布 / 凯茜·卡瓦蒂妮 / 罗纳尔多·德尔·卡门 / Elisapie Isaac / 杰森·佩斯 / 科拉·尚波米耶
类型: 动画 / 音乐 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2020-12-25(中国大陆/美国网络) / 2020-10-11(伦敦电影节)
片长: 101分钟
又名: 灵魂奇遇记(港) / 灵魂急转弯(台) / 灵魂 / 心灵
IMDb链接: tt2948372


另类链接电影⭆ https://megamoov.com/zh/movie/508442

下载 质量 大小  
Torrent FULL HD 1080/60p 1.7 GB 12
Gdrive FULL HD 1080/24p 1.4 GB 23
Mega FULL HD 1080p 2.3 GB 47
Openload FULL Blu-Ray 3.3 GB 95
Mediafire FULL 4K HD 4.3 GB 82

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究竟是什么塑造了真正的你?电影将聚焦乔伊·高纳(杰米·福克斯配音)。这位中学音乐老师获得了梦寐以求的机会——在纽约最好的爵士俱乐部演奏。但一个小失误把他从纽约的街道带到了一个奇幻的地方“生之来处”(the Great Before)。在那里,灵魂们获得培训,在前往地球之前将获得他们的个性特点和兴趣。决心要回到地球生活的乔伊认识了一个早熟的灵魂“二十二”(蒂娜·菲 配音),二十二一直找不到自己对于人类生活的兴趣。随着乔伊不断试图向二十二展示生命的精彩之处,他也将领悟一些人生终极问题的答案。



网盘播放说明: 关于使用网盘在线观看或下载视频请点此链接【百度网盘观看视频】。 心灵奇旅剧情简介 主角Gardner是一个生活很容易看穿的中学音乐老师...

很快的,Gardner和22一起回到现实世界,在那里,Gardner将学会“有了灵魂”真正的含义。 下载地址: 文件名称:《心灵奇旅》1080p.HD高清中英双字 点击下载...
苹果版下载 《心灵奇旅》是皮克斯第23部动画长片,讲述一位普通纽约教师乔伊·加德纳意外身亡后闯入新生心灵学习成长的“生之来处”。为重回地球追寻音...

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迪士尼皮克斯 2020 年最新动画电影力作《心灵奇旅》,正如同 2020 年的许多电影一样,都面临着严峻的挑战。本片最初预计于今年春夏之际正式上映,但受到肺炎疫情影响延期到 11 月。而迪士尼也讨论过让本片采用类似《花木兰》的方式,直接登上 Disney+ 串流平台上架播映,而根据最新公开的消息,《心灵奇旅》确实将在今年圣诞节正式登上 Disney+。

《好莱坞报导》的 Leslie Felperin:

The Wrap 网站的 Jason Solomons:
「《心灵奇旅》有着许多值得享受或深思的内容,特别是以非裔美国人为主角这点,还有许多优秀的配乐;同时也向许多爵士大师致敬,无论是贺比汉考克 (Herbie Hancock)、罗伊海恩斯 (Roy Haynes) 以及乔恩巴蒂斯特 (Jon Batiste)。



《心灵奇旅》的故事,围绕在一位有着爵士梦想的中学音乐老师乔甘德纳 (Joe Gardner) 身上。一场意外让他的灵魂脱离肉体,他必须抢在自己的灵魂进入来世前,与其他「实习灵魂」同心协力让自己回到被遗留在人间的肉体中,并且赶上他在爵士艺术中心的第一场表演。

虽然影迷们最快得等到 12 月才能与《心灵奇旅》见面,但本片目前已在伦敦电影节举行首映,首波媒体评价也正式解禁。不少影评都认为《心灵奇旅》再次回归皮克斯多年不见的经典风格,更表示本片将成为另一部赚人热泪的皮克斯作品,绝对能在皮克斯目前为止最杰出的作品中占有一席之地。

《帝国杂志》的 Alex Godfrey:
「本片的一些超实验主义时刻中,叙事与动画产生出完美搭配,让观众彻底沉浸其中。在《心灵奇旅》的『The Great Before』中,有一个叫『The Zone』的区域,人们能够看到因为自己的所作所为而陷入迷惘的时刻,而《心灵奇旅》本身也令人体验到类似的感受。」

Screen Daily 的 Wendy Ide:

目前《心灵奇旅》的 IMDb 为 8.5,公开的首波评论整理如下:

Deadline 网站的 Joe Utichi:
《独立报》的 Clarisse Loughrey:



Indiewire 的 Kaleem Aftab:

然而,《心灵奇旅》有皮克斯这块招牌的支持,而且还是一部将会在圣诞节上线的原创电影,这表示本片在欧美观众之间仍然很有可能会带来不错的表现;台湾这边的发行计划,《心灵奇旅》目前预定于 11 月 20 日起上映,最新上映日期尚待片商进一步公开。

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心灵奇旅 2020 年的电影
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In 1889, on November 1 in Gotha, Germany Anna Therese Johanne Hoch, who later would be known as Hannah Hoch was born. Being the eldest of five children, the girl was brought up in a comfortable and quiet environment of the small town. Her parents, a supervisor in an insurance company and an amateur painter sent her to Girl’s High school. However, at the age of 15 Hannah had to quit studying for the long six years to take care of her newborn sister. Only in 1912 she continued her education with Harold Bengen in School of Applied Arts, mastering glass design. As the World War I broke up Hannah returned to the native town to work in the Red Cross.
The first years after war the young woman recommenced her studying, getting to know graphic arts. 1915 was highlighted by an acquaintance with an Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann, which grew into the long-lasting romantic relationship and involvement in Berlin Dada movement. For ten years till 1926 Hoch worked in Berlin’s major publisher of newspapers and magazines. Her task was to design embroidering, knitting and crocheting patterns for the booklets. https://tinyurl.com/y9l75l32
Being on vacation with her beloved in 1918, Hannah discovered ‘the principle of photomontage in cut-and-paste images that soldiers sent to their families’ (National gallery of Art). This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. Her prior preoccupation was to represent the ‘new woman’ of the Weimar Republic with new social role and given freedoms.
Hoch was the only woman in Berlin Dada, who took part in all kinds of events and exhibitions showcasing her socially critical works of art. Till 1931 she participated in exhibitions but with the rise of National Social regime was forbidden to present her creative work. Till her last breath in 1978 Hannah Hoch lived and worked in the outskirts of Berlin-Heiligensee.
The piece of art which is going to be analyzed in this research is ‘The beautiful girl’ designed in 1919–1920. It combines the elements of technology and females. In the middle of the picture one can clearly see a woman dressed in a modern bathing suit with a light bulb on her head which probably serves as a sun umbrella. In the background a large advertisement with a woman’s hair-do on top is presented. Maud Lavin describes strange human as ‘she is part human, part machine, part commodity’ (Lavin). The woman is surrounded by the images of industrialization as tires, gears, signals and BMW logos. A woman’s profile with the cat eyes, untrusting and skeptical, in the upper right corner is eye-catching as well. This unusually large eye symbolizes DADA movement — a monocle, which is present in almost every Hoch’s work. The colour scheme does not offer rich palette of tints, including mostly black, white, orange and red pieces. The photo is surrounded by the BMW circles which add the spots of blue. https://tinyurl.com/y9l75l32
An apt description of the piece is given in the book ‘Cut with the Kitchen Knife’ and states that it is ‘a portrait of a modern woman defined by signs of femininity, technology, media and advertising’ (Lavin). In other words Hannah Hoch focused on the woman of the new age, free and keeping up with the fast-moving world. The artist promoted feministic ideas and from her point of view urbanization and modern technologies were meant to give hope to woman to gain equality of genders. With this photomontage she commented on how the woman was expected to combine the role of a wife and mother with the role of a worker in the industrialized world. The light bulb instead of a face shows that women were perceived as unthinking machines which do not question their position and can be turned on or off at any time at man’s will. But at the same time they were to remain attractive to satisfy men’s needs. The watch is viewed as the representation of how quickly women are to adapt to the changes. https://tinyurl.com/y9l75l32
In a nutshell, Hoch concentrated on two opposite visions of the modern woman: the one from the television screens — smoking, working, wearing sexy clothes, voti

Catagory :general