“Elite students climb confidently until they reach a level of competition sufficiently intense to beat their dreams out

Author : anino.bola82e
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 12:36:41

I enjoyed the class because I was the type of student who loved participating in class. I always asked questions that I felt applied to my real life. Mainly, how I could use the insights from these business classes to, you know, start a business and make money.

One of my friends was in this class and enjoyed the non-structured structure just like me. He was the type who always had random ideas about things he wanted to do in the future, but, like me, had trouble being ‘disciplined’ and ‘focused’ when it came to traditional academic tasks.

You can be intentional about what you want without being rude, disrespectful, or crossing over into other people’s boundaries. Don’t be a nice guy, be a human being who’s genuinely interested in getting to know other human beings.

It means that you need to find the best intersection between the things you’re interested in, your values, and your personality with the people you want to attract or bring to your cause. This is how dating works. It’s how getting anyone into your life works. It’s how business, sales, and even getting fans for your content works.

It’s funny. You’re more likely to get what you want in life if you stop fixating on it and trying to finagle your way into getting it. “It” could be a date, a career, an outcome, whatever.

In general, people-pleasing behavior is a sign of neediness. Neediness repels everyone, not just women. Does this mean that you should never compromise? No. Does this mean you shouldn’t highlight the best parts of yourself to be attractive? Of course not.

Fast forward a decade. He owns his own video production company and has done shoots for verified influencers on Instagram. I’m a three-time published author, run two YouTube channels, and own my own creator-based business full-time.

I’ve had many conversations with people my age who feel duped that they went through so much effort to do well in school, only to be lumped into a homogenous group of people in a homogenous company living a homogenous life. Sometimes at a salary that doesn’t even mathematically justify them having gone to school in the first place.

When in a relationship, a nice guy forgoes his own needs to try to please his partner, but this creates problems because people can subconsciously feel you compromising who you are for their benefit. And no matter how nice the deeds themselves are, the underlying motivation is unattractive.

Some of the students in our class hated the teaching style. Often, our professor would ask us to volunteer for this or that during class. We sat in tables, so when one student volunteered, it meant you volunteered the whole table.

Going to school doesn’t cause you to live a mediocre and lackluster life by your own standards. Your decisions cause that. But, of course, the academic culture we live in does influence people and often guides otherwise intelligent and talented kids in the wrong direction.

I volunteered a lot, and my table hated it. And these were the type of students who would ruthlessly execute any task as long as they knew exactly what the task was beforehand. Give them a rubric and they’d work hard. Leave things open-ended and they’d shy away.

You can be intentional about what you want without being rude, disrespectful, or crossing over into other people’s boundaries. Don’t be a nice guy, be a human being who’s genuinely interested in getting to know other human beings.

I’m not a total higher education basher at all. College has its merits. Depending on which area of study you choose, why you choose to study it, and what you do while you’re in college.





















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Catagory :general