Few countries have escaped the grasps of pandemic outbreaks, yet many have readily forgotten the realities of these heal

Author : uslimani.cidoz
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 13:12:06

We read the source code and the comments on it, fixed memory leaks, and experimented with the possibilities in the usage of React-Native. Eventually, we saw success in migrating one of the most complex pages with no performance degradation.

“Africa’s response demonstrated African unity,” says Daniel Fagbuyi, MD, Obama administration public health/biodefense appointee and an emergency physician. “They were very cohesive,” he adds. “Leaders were working together, collaborating, and communicating. They were able to orchestrate a better response than even some of the high-powered and wealthy Western countries, including the United States.”

“Much of the success was attributable to the public health infrastructure that had been put in place before now. The emergency coordination structures— from the national to the state and below—were already there,” explains Chizoba Wonodi, MD, MPH, DrPH, director of Nigeria programs at the Johns Hopkins’ International Vaccine Access Center.

Every change in the app is profiled to analyse its impact on the core metrics. In our initial experiments with React-Native Android apps, the page load metrics were not as good as Native.

Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), led by Director John Nkengasong, collaborated with government officials from the African Union countries to develop the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for Covid-19 Outbreak and the African Union Covid-19 Response Fund.

Reusing the React Instance Managers: We were building them again while switching between stacks. Rebuilding these managers requires a re-parse of JS, leading to slowdowns. You need to create and then cache in memory.

While U.S. politicians differed widely on their opinions related to Covid-19 management, politicians in Africa struck a unified tone. African citizens got consistent messaging from the government and public health leadership.

For example, much of the contact tracing measures implemented in countries like Nigeria drew from the experience of contract tracing for the previous Ebola outbreak response and from the emergency operating centers used for polio, Wonodi says.

Ali adds that joint partnership also created the African Medical Supplies Platform which helped ensure that medical equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), could equitably be distributed across countries in the region.





n try to emulate what these celebrities are doing; because the information is there to see, women compare their pregnancies, however unrealistically, to celebrities’ pregnancies. These celebrities are women with personal trainers and personal chefs and round-the-clock helpers. And, we can’t possibly know what their full pregnancy journeys were like (unless they’ve shared them). And even then — why are we looking at an unrealistic condition?

It’s true that optimised native apps can outperform React-Native versions most times. However, considering the benefits such as OTA updates, we came up with the success metric for this experiment.

“[The African] system of health already is inclined more toward these communicable diseases as opposed to a lot of other countries,” explains Javed Ali, MD, the International Medical Corps director of emergency response, Africa region. He adds that aspects of surveillance, reporting, and data collection are ingrained in many aspects of primary health care in a way that is not necessarily as common in the United States.

To solve the infinite list problem, we had to build our own list view, which recycles cells instead of destroying and recreating to save memory and performance. Our first version was backed by native RecyclerView and UICollectionView, and in later revisions we built recyclerlistview in JS (only).

A lot of teams get into conflicts between Native vs React-Native performance without setting targets. Our intent was to set targets and then see if React-Native can match it. The goal that we agreed internally was to go with React-Native, if we can maintain or do better than existing load time metrics and scroll FPS.

This revision in the thought process and discussion around deciding targets helped the entire team focus on the correct success metrics. After a few iterations, we could achieve the targets and React-Native became an obvious choice.

Catagory :general