Generics in Go: working examples for complete beginners

Author : usitvhd
Publish Date : 2021-04-26 17:24:13

Generics what now? This friendly, down-to-earth tutorial explains what generic functions and types are, why we need them, how they work in Go, and where we can use them. It's easy and fun, so let's dance!

John Arundel is a Go teacher and consultant, and the author of 'For the Love of Go', a series of downloadable ebooks about modern software engineering in Go for complete beginners.
‘For the Love of Go’ is a series of fun, easy-to-follow ebooks introducing software engineering in Go.

‘For the Love of Go’ is a series of fun, easy-to-follow ebooks introducing software engineering in Go.
What are generics?

As you know, Go is a typed language, meaning that every variable and value in your program has some specific type, like int or string. When we write functions, we need to specify the type of their parameters in what's called the function signature, like this:

func PrintString(s string) {

Here, the parameter s is of type string. We can imagine writing similar versions of this function which take an int, a float64, an arbitrary struct type, and so on. But that would be inconvenient for more than a handful of specific types, and though we can sometimes use interfaces to solve this problem (as described in the map[string]interface tutorial, for example), that approach has many limitations.
Generic functions in Go

Instead, we would like to declare a generic function PrintAnything, which takes an argument of any arbitrary type (let's call it T), and does something with it.

Here's what that looks like:

func PrintAnything[T any](thing T) {

Simple, right? The any indicates that T can be any type.

How do we call such a function? Equally simply:


(Note:The support for generics in Go that I describe here isn't yet released, but it's being implemented now, for release very soon. Right now you can play with it in the generics-enabled version of the Go Playground, or you can use the experimental go2go tool to try Go's generics support in your own programs.)

It's pretty easy to implement the PrintAnything function, because the fmt library can print anything anyway. Suppose we wanted to write our own version of something like strings.Join, which takes a slice of T, and returns a single string that joins them all together. Let's try:

// I have a bad feeling about this.
func Join[T any](things []T) (result string) {
    for _, v := range things {
        result += v.String()
    return result

We've created a generic function Join() which takes, for an arbitrary type T, a parameter which is a slice of T. Great, but now we run into a problem:

output := Join([]string{"a", "b", "c"})
// v.String undefined (type bound for T has no method String)

Thing is, inside the Join() function, we want to call .String() on each slice element v to turn it into a string. But Go needs to be able to check in advance that type T has a String() method, and since it doesn't know what T is, it can't do that!

What we need to do is constrain the type T slightly. Instead of accepting literally any T, we're really only interested in types which have a String() method. Any such type will be an acceptable input to our Join() function, so how do we express that constraint in Go? We use an interface:

type Stringer interface {
    String() string

This specifies that a given type has a String() method. So now we can apply this constraint to the type of our generic function:

func Join[T Stringer] ...

Since Stringer guarantees that any value of type T will have a String() method, Go will now happily let us call it inside the function. But if you try to call the Join() function with a slice of some type that doesn't satisfy Stringer (for example int), Go will complain:

result := Join([]int{1, 2, 3})
// int does not satisfy Stringer (missing method String)

The comparable constraint

Constraints based on method sets, like Stringer, are useful, but what if we want to do something with our generic input that doesn't involve calling a method?

For example, suppose we want to write an Equal function which takes two parameters of type T, and return true if they are equal, or false otherwise. Let's have a go:

// This won't work.
func Equal[T any](a, b T) bool {
    return a == b

fmt.Println(Equal(1, 1))
// cannot compare a == b (operator == not defined for T)

This is the same kind of issue as we had in Join() with the String() method, but since we're not calling a method now, we can't use a constraint based on a method set. Instead, we need to constrain T to only types that work with the == or != operators, which are known as comparable types. Fortunately there's a straightforward way to specify this: use the built-in comparable constraint, instead of any.

func Equal[T comparable] ...

The constraints package

Just to be difficult, suppose we want to do something with values of T which isn't either comparing them or calling methods on them. For example, suppose we want to write a Max() function for a generic type T which takes a slice of T and returns the element with the highest value. We might try something like this:

// Nope.
func Max[T any](input []T) (max T) {
    for _, v := range input {
        if v > max {
            max = v
    return max

I'm not feeling very optimistic about this, but let's see what happens:

fmt.Println(Max([]int{1, 2, 3}))
// cannot compare v > max (operator > not defined for T)

Again, Go can't prove ahead of time that the type T will work with the > operator (that is to say, that T is ordered). How can we fix this? We could simply list every possible allowed type in a constraint, like this (known as a type list):

type Ordered interface {
    type int, int8, int16, int32, int64,
        uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr,
        float32, float64,

Fortunately for your keyboard, this and other useful constraints are already defined for us in the standard library's constraints package, so we can import that and use it like this:

func Max[T constraints.Ordered] ...

Problem solved!
Generic types

So far, so cool. We know how to write functions that can take arguments of any type. But what if we want to create a type that can contain any type? For example, a 'slice of anything' type. That turns out to be very easy:

type Bunch[T any] []T

We're saying that for any given type T, a Bunch[T] is a slice of values of type T. For example, a Bunch[int] is a slice of int. We can create values of that type in the normal way:

x := Bunch[int]{1, 2, 3}

Just as you'd expect, we can write generic functions which take generic types:

func PrintBunch[T any](b Bunch[T]) {

Methods, too:

func (b Bunch[T]) Print() {

We can also apply constraints to generic types:

type StringableBunch[T Stringer] []T

Golang generics playground

So that you can play with the current implementation of the generics proposal (for example to try the code samples in this tutorial), the Go team have provided a generics-enabled version of the Go Playground here:

Golang generics playground

It works exactly the same way as the normal Go playground we know and love, except that it supports the generic syntax described here. Because it's not possible to run all Go code in the playground (for example, code that makes network calls or accesses the filesystem), you can also try out the go2go tool, which translates code using generics to code which compiles with the current version of Go.
What is the Go generics proposal?

You can read the complete draft design document here:

    Type Parameters - Draft Design

Will Golang get generics?

Yes. The current proposal for generics support in Go, as outlined in this tutorial, was announced in June 2020 in a blog post: The Next Step for Generics, and the Github issue to add generics has now been accepted in the form I describe here.

The Go blog says that generics support may be included in a beta version of Go 1.18, which will be available in December 2021.

Until then you can use the Generics Playground to experiment with it and try out the examples here.
Generics vs interfaces: are there alternatives to generics?

As I mentioned in my map[string]interface tutorial, we can already write Go code that handles values of any type, without using generic functions or types, by means of interfaces. However, if you want to write a library that implements things like collections of arbitrary types, using a generic type is much simpler and more convenient than using an interface.
What's the deal with any?

When defining generic functions or types, the input type must have a constraint. Type constraints can be interfaces (such as Stringer), type lists (such as constraints.Ordered), or the keyword comparable. But what if you really want no constraint at all; that is to say, literally any type T?

The logical way to express this is to use interface{} (the interface that says nothing at all about a type's method set). But since this is such a common constraint, the predeclared name any is provided as an alias for interface{}. You can only use this name in type constraints, so any is not a general synonym for interface{}.
Can I use code generation instead of generics?

The 'code generator' approach has been the other traditional way of dealing with such problems before the advent of generics in Go. Essentially, it involves using the go generate tool to produce Go code for each of the specific types that you need to handle in your library.

While this works, it's awkward to use, limited in its flexibility, and requires an extra build step. While code generation is still useful for some things, it's nice that we no longer have to use it to simulate generic functions and types in Go.
What are contracts?

An earlier draft design for generics in Go used a similar syntax to what we have today, but it implemented type constraints using a new keyword contract, instead of the existing interface. This was not popular for various reasons, and is now superseded.
Further reading

    A Proposal for Adding Generics
    The Next Step for Generics
    Why Generics?
    Go Generics: Applying the Draft Design to a Real-World Use Case
    Experimenting with Generics in Go

Looking for help with Go?

If you found this article useful, you might enjoy my introductory Go ebook series, For the Love of Go, or my other Go tutorials on this site. If you'd like to learn more about Go, then I can help! I offer one-to-one or group training in Go development, for complete beginners through to experienced Gophers. Check out my Learn Golang with mentoring page to find out more, or email Looking forward to hearing from you!

Catagory :general