Gerrard Gethings, a well-known animal photographer, was commissioned by Laurence King Publishing to photograph 25 pairs

Author : dkader.kadiro
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 16:02:35

It’s a memory game in which players must match up owners and their dogs. It comes with 50 cards — 25 pairs of dogs and their human counterparts. You can see what the hype is all about here.

“I don’t want to create images of animals that are patronizing. My subjects are complex and characterful creatures, full of pathos, humor, and unpredictability. I want them to appear epic,” said Gethings.

2020-11-11 13:52:12 INFO app - XYZ Integration API Manager v2.0.0 2020-11-11 13:52:15 INFO app - Loading configurations.. 2020-11-11 13:52:18 INFO app - *** InstanceID API_V2_I02 2020-11-11 13:52:18 INFO app - *** BaseURL 2020-11-11 13:52:19 INFO app - *** LogLevel 04 (INFO) 2020-11-11 13:52:31 INFO app - Started listening...

But the “unfortunate” reality for them, is that Apple has rapidly gained on Intel and now surpassed it. This isn’t just Apple bragging and exaggerating. Today we have countless benchmarks by independent testers verifying the same overall picture. AnandTech is one example, Arstechnica another. Their Cinbench 5 tests against the other CPUs used for laptops shows the M1 beating the competition both in singlethreaded and multithreaded performance tests.

For a while I have been reading comments and discussions going between Mac and PC fans on Apple’s transition from x86 to ARM based CPUs (Apple Silicon). There has been a loud and persistent insistence that an ARM based chip cannot possibly compete against AMD and Intel workhorses.

Errors and failures need best-effort inspections. To make that possible, the application must provide the domain experts of the system with sufficient background information and the business and technology contexts. For instance, if a request or message is failing to process, in addition to the error message, it is very helpful to log the failed request body, too.

no expert but I’m of the belief that this monologue will be studied by comedians from now until eternity. There were so many layers, stories, punchlines, and enough shit to ruffle the feathers for the faint of heart — intelligent humor that makes the listener/viewer think — and it was sixteen minutes and twenty some odd seconds — a masterclass.

Each time a data-related operation happens, without blindly accepting its completion, make sure you always validate the end state with evidence. For instance, in general, when you create/update/delete a record in the database, it returns the count of records changed, along with the updated record. In such cases, always run validations on the expected counts or results. Another example is when you insert a record into a data structure (say a queue). Instead of blindly assuming the insert operation, always take the queue size and validate whether it was increased by one. (Suppose your system is concurrent, but the underlying queue does not support concurrent operations. In such scenarios, you can actually lose some records, and having something like length validations is the only way to detect such hidden errors in the code.)

Based on the deployment environment, the active log level also must be changed. The recommended convention for production environments is to print logs up to INFO level. In other environments, logs will be printed up to either DEBUG or TRACE level, according to the level of granularity preferred by the Dev and SysOps teams.

In most cases, it is a legal requirement for systems to mask and/or encrypt the sensitive information of the users and the internal systems. Based on the industry you operate in and the geographical region you belong to, the compliance requirements may change. Therefore, do proper research and implement the correct procedures in your application. In some cases, before getting the application up and running, you may need to present the logging strategy to security authorities and get their approvals/certifications, too.

He has five distinct collections on his site — Bee, Feather, Fur, Hoof, and Scale. They’re pretty self-explanatory — bees, birds, dogs and cats, horses, or reptiles and fish.

They then turned it into a game called “Do You Look Like Your Dog?” In October 2020, Gethings converted the photos from the game into a book, titled “Do You Look Like Your Dog? The Book: Dogs and their Humans.”

He has five distinct collections on his site — Bee, Feather, Fur, Hoof, and Scale. They’re pretty self-explanatory — bees, birds, dogs and cats, horses, or reptiles and fish.

“Familiarity often makes us forget this, but when you get up-close and capture every soulful detail in the eyes of a dog, cat or horse, then you start to remember where it came from,” Gethings continued.

People who have spent a small fortune building a large gaming rig with a dozen fans, liquid cooling and overclocking to the max, don’t want to hear that some CPU used in slim boutique cell phones can somehow compete with their monsters.

Catagory :general