Guidelines For Location & Placement For Variable Message Signs

Author : AmeliaWarner
Publish Date : 2021-05-24 18:29:44

With so many vehicles on roads nowadays, motorists require reliable information regarding the road and traffic status. The intention of these guidelines is to make sure that Variable Message Signs are used to informing you of specific situations in a consistent and orderly manner. With Variable Message Signs, your driving will be made easier since you have all you need to know when using a particular route. 

Variable Message Signs (VMS) are signs that air electronically generated information. The information can be changed electronically, mechanically, electromechanically, or manually to display free or predefined texts symbol, figures, and information. Variable message signs are used in different parts of the world to furnish road users with guidance regarding traffic and the conditions of the roads. VMS can be in the form of a permanent structure, or it can be a temporary apparatus that can be erected on a vehicle or trailer for a short duration. 

Understanding VMS use

Like other traffic control devices, credibility, legibility, and reliability of the messages are crucial. In the absence of these basic requirements, even the best message will go unnoticed. Extra caution must be taken when displaying messages to ensure motorists understand them. Signs are the significant channels communicating to motorists. Therefore, there is a need to have guidelines that will ensure that VMS messages direct and inform you of various situations in a consistent and orderly manner. 

Some of the information provided through VMS include;

  • Scheduled maintenance operations
  • Critical weather announcements
  • The travel duration between known destinations
  • Traffic congestion along a specific highway
  • Accidents and incidents notifications 
  • Speed limit notice.

The main objective of providing the information is to give you travel directions and furnish you with ample time to keep away from a situation. Also, the guidelines prepare you for unavoidable circumstances. 

VMS includes continuous and discontinuous signs. 

Continuous Signs: These are similar to fixed signs. The only difference is that VMS can display numerous messages by electromechanical techniques, such as roller blinds and prism signs. 

Discontinuous Signs: They create messages using individual elements that can be in one or more states. Thus, the system can generate various messages on the same sign face, for example, LED signs, fiber optic signs, or flip-disk signs.

Most of the Variable Message Signs used for practical traffic guidance are the discontinuous signs which use light-emitting techniques.

Since VMS are suitable for outdoor use, you can also use them for advertising where individuals or companies can hire them to promote their products or services. Sign companies create variable message sign hire trucks that display large-scale text or graphics with variable message signs. 

VMS system forms part of the Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), one of the critical components of Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The ATMS software receives online data for processing and analysis. After that, the information can be shared automatically with road users through VMS, radio, SMS, or the internet. However, the authorities can use VMS systems independently to give directions to motorists sufficiently.

Variable Message Sign technology has proved to be important in providing valuable instructions to road users. Located in strategic areas, it makes it easier for you to view the message to be well informed of the state of the road you are taking.

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