Have you ever seen a strange seam or puzzling visual artifact in one of your textures? Go through that annoying change/o

Author : asim
Publish Date : 2021-01-06 20:31:41





















n 20 years writing stuff in PHP (actually, it might be more. I don’t truly remember when I started), among other languages, and, for the most part, I have simply ignored much of that side of the conversation. For almost all of those years, PHP has been “dying” and I should’ve stop using it years ago. I am by no means an expert in any of the languages I use, and I have plenty to learn about PHP, yet time and time again, I find myself coming back to it.

The single most requested Babylon.js feature has arrived! Babylon.js 4.2 adds PBR capabilities to the Node Material Editor! With this addition, you can now create your own custom PBR materials and shaders. With access to metallic, roughness, ambient occlusion, environment lighting and reflectivity, clearcoat, sheen, subsurface, anisotropy and more, you truly have everything that you need to create and modify amazing PBR materials, in a simple to use visual editor!

The Node Material Editor continues to be one of the most helpful tools in the Babylon.js toolbelt. With Babylon.js 4.2, it gets even better. The same tool that you can use to create stunning mesh shaders can now be used to create Procedural Textures, Particle Shaders, and Post Process Effects! Versatility

Babylon.js 4.2 features full support for the KTX BasisU texture compression in the .glTF format. This amazing texture format features advanced compression that leads to smaller file and GPU sizes than .jpeg counterparts. With textures being one of the biggest contributors to large 3D file sizes, KTX BasisU is sure to make 3D objects on the web transfer, load, and render faster than ever.

With Babylon.js 4.1 we introduced Babylon Native, a system for building native applications with the same rendering power and code used for your Babylon.js web applications. Today this initiative takes a major step forward with the announcement of Babylon React Native. This project takes the power of the React Native framework and combines it with the power, beauty, and simplicity of Babylon.js to unlock the ability to create some truly amazing cross-platform experiences.

Gebru told OneZero she was let go via email by Megan Kacholia, a vice president of engineering at Google Research, who in turn reports to the company’s famous A.I. lead, Jeff Dean. Gebru said the move stemmed from an email Gebru had sent to a pair of internal Google employee groups, which upset Google executives. She said she could not immediately provide the contents of that email because she had been cut off from her corporate accounts.

Overall, you just can’t be prepared for a seasonal event without the right strategy. Identifying the pumpkin spice metrics in your business is the right strategy of creating sweet campaign ideas from seasonal customer interest.

Then I found that as I pursued a dream that essentially wasn’t my own, I was extremely unhappy. I couldn’t stand the thought of going through life working hard to reach a destination so far from where I wanted to be.

Timnit Gebru, a pioneering researcher on algorithmic bias, said Wednesday night that she had been abruptly let go by Google, where she was technical co-lead of the company’s Ethical Artificial Intelligence Team, after she had privately threatened to resign.

The last time we met, my twin brother and I were working warehouse jobs to make ends meet as we finish school. We knew the change would cause alarm. At the same time, we knew it was necessary.

When you’re faced with writing thousands of lines of code, tools like intellisense and tab completion are life savers. With Babylon.js 4.2, we’ve taken it a step further and unlocked the ability for you to quickly import commonly used code snippets that we call Playground Templates. Simply press ‘CTRL SPACE’ in the playground to bring up the available templates click one and BOOM!

When working with Image Based Lighting (IBL) in Babylon.js, you’ve needed a .env or .dds file. With Babylon.js 4.2, we’ve added direct support for pre-filtering .hdr files! That means you can now use .hdr files directly in your Babylon.js scene!

Babylon.js 4.2 brings another incredible super power to the Node Material Editor, the ability to export, save, reuse, and share custom frames! Yup, you heard that right! Just like Babylon.js 4.1, you can group nodes together into collapsible frames, but 4.2 brings the ability to customize them further, export them, and even load them into the available nodes panel!

Gebru is known for her co-authorship with Joy Buolamwini of an influential 2018 paper on bias in facial recognition software, among other work. The study found that three leading facial recognition systems were far more likely to misidentify women and people of color than white men. The findings helped to fuel a backlash against facial recognition that has led some major companies and jurisdictions to stop developing or using the technology. OneZero’s Dave Gershgorn wrote in June about the study’s profound impact.

Babylon.js features a rich library of documentation to help you get started and master the platform. With Babylon.js 4.2 we’ve completely reorganized the documentation to guide your learning as your knowledge advances. Shifting from a “choose your own adventure” style structure, to a “chapter book” approach, we’ve rebuilt the documentation to offer a more guided approach to learning the platform. Whether you want to dive into a specific subject or follow the guided path, we’re sure that the Babylon.js documentation will be more simple and helpful than ever before.

Catagory :general