He went back and pushed his way in. He discovered that the thing blocking the door was the body of Lynn Seethhaler. The

Author : vzakaria.elkarmou
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 02:25:50

But the default way most of us talk to customers and prospects is unscientific and fraught with confirmation bias, putting us in danger of being lied to and wasting months building something nobody wants.

It’s been a couple of years since Google announced Kotlin as the recommended language to develop Android apps. It was one of those transformational decisions: Kotlin solved the pain points in Java and can reduce the heavy lifting for developers.

Asynchronous programming plays a key role in mobile development. In the early stages, we used AsyncTask. Over time, RxJava came to light, and it’s a transformational change. But RxJava comes with a deep learning curve and a completely different approach with callbacks.





















er died on Thanksgiving 15 years ago, and every year when the holiday rolls around, Kennedy commemorates him by decorating his lawn with a giant Christmas display. For the past few years, those decorations have included a Black Santa Claus — something his neighbors in North Little Rock, Arkansas, have complimented him on. And then there’s the racist-ass grinch who sent him an anonymous letter from a White Santa this year to complain about it. “You should not try to deceive children into believing that I am a Negro,” said the letter. “You being jealous of my race is no excuse for your dishonesty.” Beyond the very strong Megyn Kelly in 2013 vibes, we’ve got a few thoughts about this. First off: Negro?! What year does this vigilante Santa think it is? Second: We like to think we’re imaginative people, but “being jealous of White people living in Arkansas” is a concept that has quite literally never occurred to us, and we’re guessing we’re not alone. If there’s a bright side to this story, it’s that Black Santas are reportedly proliferating throughout North Little Rock as people decorate in solidarity with Kennedy. Maybe once we settle this debate, we can finally take on the fable of White Jesus. (CNN)

I learned this truth the hard way over the past decade founding multiple companies — but it wasn’t until I was working on my third startup that I came to understand a better way to actually understand users.

Once you finished with the migration of all the debug code, you can configure your gradle.properties to stop generating the BuildConfig file by default on all your android modules:

Eventually, UI and business logic needed to be linked, and that’s where data binding and view binding play a key role. The link between UI and business logic is started with the infamous findviewbyid function.

The Android development environment has been based on three types of files since the beginning: XML, Kotlin, and Java. XML files contain everything related to design, and Kotlin/Java files include anything other than the design part.

Take into account that the BuildConfig on your app module is useful. It has the app version code, version name, application id and any custom flag you decided to add. So, I recommend to keep it (but remember to avoid using BuildConfig.DEBUG). So, to override the default behavior defined on gradle.properties, just add the following configuration to yourapp/build.gradle

When I first started out, we had an idea, turned it into a UI, and hired developers to make it real. After nearly a year and tens of thousands of dollars — we launched it.

We can work with traditional methods to avoid taking risks in large-scale projects. At some point, each of our designs looks the same (even if it’s not). Yes, I know we’ve been working on each of them individually, but that’s all.

You can use the same approach if, for example, you need to use different backend URLs for debug

Catagory :general