Hence, my approach to the wavefunction is that it is a description of a statistical reality much like a probability dist

Author : vzakaria.elkarmou
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 03:02:16

Likewise that randomness seems to reach back in time or across lightyears with mysterious phenomenon of entanglement where two separately measureable particles share a single wavefunction.

Now, you can set a frame with Auto Layout to fill its parent container, even if the frame is a vertical stack and the parent container is scaled horizontally. It just works.

As the universe expands into the 5th dimension, history evolves across the possibilities contained within the wavefunction. So, for me, the wavefunction describes a set of histories (as it did for Richard Feynman’s sum over histories mathematics) but, while Feynman’s was less an interpretation and more a mathematical tool, my theory provides a description of the wavefunction in terms of an additional spatial dimension. We only measure one reality because only one reality exists at a time, but many realities can exist at many times.

It was before the Stack Overflow era, so not much help was available online. Some people would print out cheatsheets of different kinds and hang on the walls around their workstations. Having a couple of pages of frequently used codes in front of the desk was an efficient way of correcting syntax errors.

Now load in your datasets from the repository (desktop, cloud, SQL server — wherever stored). It’s a good idea to make a copy of the original dataset and work with the copy because you’ll be doing a lot of modifications to the original one.

This is amazing! Previously, this was only hackable using ‘spacer elements,’ which muddied up your layout with unnecessary shapes. And it even then, using spacers would only allow you to introduce padding in one direction, without nesting frames.

(There’s also something called Auto Layout for iOS apps, which dynamically arranges Views hierarchically. But this is totally unrelated to Figma’s Auto Layout, which is based on Flexbox and the CSS box-model.)

Help is now at the fingertips only few clicks away. But an old-fashioned cheatsheet is still a valuable time-saving tool. It’s even more the case if you have to juggle between multiple programming languages.

My intuition about this is that particles really are like grains of pollen suspended in liquid. It is just that, instead of bumping into random, invisible particles all around it, they are bumping into random, invisible particles and fields in another dimension.





















usinesses encourage their employees to save by matching their savings and adding them to their account. If an employee saved a $100 in a savings account, you could match the amount with another $100, leading to quicker savings and employees who are motivated to keep.

Data scientists spend most of their time on data wrangling, so being efficient is a valuable skill to have. So the purpose of this article is to show how to build a “cheatsheet” for data wrangling following a typical analytics workflow. I am not going to write down all the codes needed every step of the way, rather I’ll focus on how to compile a cheatsheet that serves your purpose, so you can spend more time coding, less time searching for the right syntax.

My theory is that the wavefunction describes many histories of the same particle at different points in a 5th dimension. Thus, particles really are exposed to a “bath” of random influences that we can’t see. They really do change their histories in response to one another, reaching across lightyears. This suggests, in fact, that quantum mechanics works exactly like classical Brownian mechanics, but, instead of moving in time, they move in the 5th dimension. Instead of being round little particles, they are strands strung through time.

In the example above, you can see how a frame with two subheadings and five rows is edited to have indents and space-above, meaning that it’s much easier to introduce whitespace to your designs and allow them to breathe, while benefiting from Auto Layout, without cluttering your file.

Let’s look at the above example. The text section of the podcast card previously could only be set to auto-width or fixed-width, OR auto-height / fixed-height, depending on whether the frame had horizontal or vertical Auto Layout.

Soon after firing up the IDE/text editor, you may very well be staring at the blank screen. Loading in the dataset(s) is probably the first thing coming to your mind. So let’s start there and import a couple of libraries.

Catagory :general