
Author : alexkbizz
Publish Date : 2021-02-01 13:23:22

Are you annoyed because of a gap in your smile? You are not alone. Many people undergo multiple tooth extraction throughout their lives. Denture and partials in Houston might be an affordable option to quickly restore your smile. Your dentist or prosthodontist will tell you what option will be best for you.

Dentures and Partials

A denture is a removable replacement of your missing teeth. There are two types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures. Full dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, whereas you need partial dentures when you lose some of your teeth. So, how to care for dentures and partials? Let’s find out.

Best ways to care for dentures and partials

Removable partial or complete dentures require proper care to keep them clean and long-lasting. Following are some of the best ways for good denture care:

  • Clean dentures after eating: clean your denture with water to remove food debris. Place a towel in the sink to prevent dentures from breaking if you drop them.
  • Handle your dentures with care: make sure you don’t damage or bend the plastic when cleaning.
  • Clean your mouth after removing your dentures: use a soft-bristled toothbrush on natural teeth in case of partial dentures. Also, clean your tongue, inner cheeks, and palate. 
  • Brush your dentures daily: soak and brush your dentures with a soft-bristled brush. Or you can use a non-abrasive denture cleanser to remove food, tartar, and other deposits. Make sure not to use a cleaner inside your mouth. 
  • Soak dentures overnight: most dentures need to stay moist to remain in their shape. Place the dentures in water or mild denture-soaking solution. Discuss with your dentist about adequately storing dentures overnight. Follow their instructions to avoid problems. 
  • Rinse dentures thoroughly before wearing them back: especially if you’re using a denture-soaking solution, make sure to clean them. These solutions contain chemicals that cause pain, vomiting, or burns if swallowed.
  • Visit your dentist if you have a loose fit: see your dentist for dentures and partial repair. If your dentures become loose, it can cause irritation, sores, and infection. 

Things to avoid

  • Abrasive cleaning materials: avoid hard-bristled brushes, strong cleansers, and harsh toothpaste to prevent damage to your dentures.
  • Whitening toothpaste: whitening toothpaste have peroxide, which can change the color of denture teeth.
  • Bleaching products: avoid soaking your dentures with metal attachments in solutions that contain chlorine. Not only do bleaching products corrode the metal, but they can also weaken and change your dentures’ color.
  • Hot water: avoid using hot or boiling water as it can quickly wrap your dentures.

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