How to fix error code 0xc00000e9 on Windows 10?

Author : contactforinfo
Publish Date : 2020-11-11 10:11:29

The 0xc00000e9 error is a rather serious problem. The text of these error messages will help you find out what happened.

Here are some options:

"Sudden I / O error has occurred." This means that there was a crash as a result of the interaction of several components of the computer; for example, internal hard drive and device.
"Registry is corrupt or missing." This means that you are having serious registry problems.
Therefore, look carefully at the entire message; maybe you can understand the clue of what happened to the computer.

Causes of 0xc00000e9

This 0xc00000e9 error does not appear anywhere. These causes are influencing factors:

Failure and damage to documents during system update
viruses and other malware
failure of skills while working with a computer
hard drive problems
outdated or inappropriate drivers
accidental deletion of important system files
As you can see, the reasons for the 0xc00000e9 error code are serious. So how can you fix the error code 0xc00000e9? And overall, is it feasible? Fortunately, yes! Read this in detail later in this report.

Strategy 1. Turn off all external storage devices.
So, the first thing you can try is to turn off all external storage devices.

For example, external hard drive, USB flash drives, SD cards, mouse, keyboard, etc. Then restart your computer and reconnect all devices one by one. The error code 0xc00000e9 should go away and it doesn't bother you anymore. However, if this method didn't help, don't be discouraged. Go to another method.

Strategy 2. Update your drivers to fix the 0xc00000e9 error
Probably the main reason for the error is that the drivers are outdated.

Try to download all available updates. All you will need is a network and driver version. Go to the official website of the hard drive manufacturer and install all available updates using the Installation Wizard. Then remember to restart your computer.

Unfortunately, sometimes the 0xc00000e9 error doesn't go away then. Therefore, the theme is different. Try method 3.

Strategy 3. Run SFC to resolve the 0xc00000e9 error
The SFC application is an attribute built into Windows and is great for detecting and fixing system errors; in particular, with a malfunction of 0xc00000e9. To use this method, please read these tips:

Right-click Start and select "Command Prompt (Administrator)". Then, at the command prompt, type the following command: "SFC / SCANNOW" and press Enter. This drive will be scanned and any errors found will be repaired. After completing the procedure, restart the computer and check if it works properly. Otherwise? Maybe the next method can help you.

Strategy 4. Restore the BIOS to default settings
There may be a few changes to the BIOS configuration; this will easily cause a 0xc00000e9 error in Windows 10. Consequently, you have to enter the BIOS by pressing the F2 key. Then go to preferences and set them as default. Then close the program and then restart your computer.

If the method didn't help, the settings are fine and the theme is different.

Strategy 5. Use DiskInternals Partition Recovery
This technique, unlike the previous ones, gives you almost 100% benefits.

This program rebuilds the file system and also locates the most information on the device. That's why you want it. The program recovers all kinds of files with a size of about 1 PB!

DiskInternals Partition Recovery works with all the following file systems: FAT12, ReFS, UFS, HFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, Reiser4, XFS Ext2, Ext3 and Ext4.

Please use the free trial of the item before purchasing a license. As soon as you are sure that the information is restored, you need to purchase a license and a license key. You can use one of the three download wizards: Partition Recovery Wizard, NTFS Recovery Wizard, and FAT Recovery Wizard.

They will help you recover your data even if you are doing it for the first time. There is also a free preview feature that allows you to selectively restore files and verify the quality of localized documents.

As you can see, there is no single downside to the method. As a result, the perfect choice is yours!

Strategy 6. Run CHKDSK and eliminate the 0xc00000e9 error
CHKDSK will help you fix the error code 0xc00000e9. It is ideal to use this technique as soon as the data is retrieved from the disk and stored in a safe place, as CHKDSK cuts the information into 512 KB bits.

After performing CHKDSK, restart your computer. Then make sure the 0xc00000e9 error code no longer bothers you.

Catagory :general