How to get clients on Instagram by networking

Author : rkuma265
Publish Date : 2021-04-08 19:08:58

Instagram has long become the boss of social media. It is the social network that has the most interaction. Like Facebook, it has millions and millions of users.

For this same reason, it is a very powerful tool that allows us to connect directly with our audience and convert them into followers, and why not, customers.

Getting customers on Instagram is the best way to take advantage of this social network.

Do you want to know how to increase and get more followers? Do you want to know how you can contact your niche and get customers through Instagram?

If so, you are in the right place.

What is digital prospecting?

No matter how old you are, I'm sure you've heard of how clients were found a few years ago. Does the "cold door" ring a bell? It is when sellers went house to house, knocking on doors and offering their products or services.

With the digital revolution, this has evolved, and currently, this methodology is called Digital Prospecting.

Digital prospecting is a marketing technique that consists of directly contacting your niche through social networks, and in this way, converting them into followers or customers.

Either way, both options are valuable.

If you are not a customer today, you can be a customer tomorrow. And for that, it is better that they follow you on your networks and you can be in direct contact with them and offer them high-value content.

Basically, the objective of this strategy is to find new followers on social networks and establish a relationship with them to end up turning them into clients.

This process must be based on an exchange of value, seeking to really contribute to each message, even if it is closeness and understanding. We don't want to be spammers or just hang out chatting. We want to help, impact and get leads.

Digital prospecting is a complementary strategy to be known on social networks.

So now that you know what this digital prospecting is all about, do you think if we look at it a little more in detail? Let's go there.

Get leads on Instagram in 5 steps

The first thing to do to get customers on Instagram is to get the lead. To successfully carry out digital prospecting, follow this tutorial step by step.


First of all, you will need to define your audience, that is, who is the audience you are going to address.

And for this, you will simply have to answer these questions: Who is your market niche?

If you don't know who your niche is, you will have to create it. Look for the aspects that relate perfectly to what you are offering or are going to offer.

What do you do and who do you focus your offer on, that is, what does your niche do? How old are you? What accounts, influencers or professionals do you follow? What do you want?…

Once you have these points defined, you will know perfectly where to find your audience, so you just have to look for it in the right place.


A fairly efficient way to find qualified followers is to look for them in the competition or influencers in your sector.

They are people interested in our subject matter who do not know us at all. That is why it is so important to contact them so that they know us and follow us since we offer content of interest to them.

The process is simple. You simply need to search for a profile of your topic through the Instagram search engine, whether they are accounts (@) or hashtags (#).

If we write directly in the search engine, we will get users who have those words in their profile. Normally, we will have few results.

If we put the pad, we will get hashtags. For example, #entrepreneur

Generally, this option is better because we access a huge database in which we see publications tagged with the chosen topic.

So in summary, these are the three ways to search for your audience:

  1. Through your competition

  2. Through influencers in your sector

  3. Through hashtags


In the profile of one of the leaders in our sector, we look for a relevant publication that has many comments and likes.

Next, we look for the 3-5 best comments and enter the profile of those people.

We take a look and value the quality of the profile. And here you will have to define your own qualification requirements. We must take into account:

  • What is that profile about

  • If you face in your profile picture

  • How many followers do you have

  • How many profiles do you follow (if you follow too many people, you are probably a spammer)

  • The quality of your publications (text and image)

You will have to assess which profiles and content you are most interested in having these profiles.

If the profile qualifies according to your requirements, like using fancy fonts, looking professional, take a look at your profile in search of interesting posts, which have to do with the theme of your project.

Once located, you like the 3 best publications and leave a comment on any of them if you think appropriate.

Remember, everything you share in these comments has to contribute. If not, we better be quiet.


Here the key is to empathize.

People love to talk about themselves and their projects. So we are going to listen (read in this case) and respond to them in such a way that they want to tell us more things.

In this way, we have already earned your trust.

It is not about consulting or coaching, it is about listening and understanding to create a relationship. It is an informal conversation, one-to-one.

It is time to create an emotional bond.

We can do it in the comment, if you answer us, and/or go to a private message.

We wait for you to follow us back and finally we will send you a private message in which you show interest in the profile or the contents of this person.

Take the opportunity to ask him if you can help him in any way related to your topic.


Once we have earned your trust and have a certain relationship, we will take you to our funnel or Lead Magnet.

We do not want to be aggressive or unpleasant, but we do want to make it clear that our product can mark a before and after in your business or in your life and that it is an opportunity to achieve your goals.

It is about sending this person to your Lead Magnet to subscribe to your mailing list and become a Lead.

Remember to be as natural and transparent as possible. It's about connecting.

Catagory :general