I hated the playground because I had never used my body for any reason other than to carry my mind around. On the playgr

Author : 1azim
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 08:55:44

Roles, including Data Analysts and Data Scientists, AI and Machine Learning Specialists, Robotics Engineers, and Digital Transformation Specialists, are the leaders in the growing demand for the next future. These are an expanding field of knowledge that has been playing an enormous role in society.

You might be tempted to start a round-robin session with the negatives — but I encourage you not to. Starting with the positives instead promotes a grateful and appreciative mindset. It helps people stay upbeat and avoid catastrophising when they come to discuss what isn’t going well.

A new ML Youtube channel that everyone should check out, Machine Learning 101 posts explainer videos on beginner AI concepts. The channel also posts podcasts with expert data scientists and professionals working on AI in commercial industries.

The result of all of this is that my god-given lankiness and cringeworthy appearance immediately made me an object of derision and torment amongst my peers, who wasted no time with cruel epithets — skinny bone jones, bulimic bitch, jap, chink, gook, dumpling dumpster. I had been airlifted from the comfort of Chinese educational institutions which stressed academic excellence and only academic excellence, where respect is earned with perfect scores and mastery of the instruments, where no misbehavior was tolerated, where aggression was always exercised passively, and dropped into one which resembled anarchy, where students swore and threw spitballs back and forth, only to get away with nothing more than a perfunctory “quit it,” from the teacher, where everyone had an archetype and studious children were called nerds and losers, where respect seemed to be earned not in the classroom, but on the schoolyard in between classes, where physical aggression often dominated.

Hi, I’m Dave and I coach founders that want to become great CEOs. Over the last 10 years, I’ve co-founded three VC-backed companies, invested in startups as a VC and Angel investor, and mentored hundreds of startups with Google and Techstars. Learn more about working with me at Dave-Bailey.com.

Hi, I’m Dave and I coach founders that want to become great CEOs. Over the last 10 years, I’ve co-founded three VC-backed companies, invested in startups as a VC and Angel investor, and mentored hundreds of startups with Google and Techstars. Learn more about working with me at Dave-Bailey.com.

You can follow exactly the same format for this question. Remember, the objective is to listen, not solve, and the facilitator’s role is to make the environment safe enough for everyone to share their grievances without the risk of being shot down.





















that as the number of open tabs mounts, so too does the amount of memory the browser hogs, leading to a potentially slower experience. Enter The Great Suspender. This extension will periodically — you guessed it — suspend inactive tabs so they no longer consume memory.

Have that discussion. Ideally, you’ll come away with one change all team members can agree and commit to . . . for one week only. Why one week? Because (a) you don’t know if your improvement will work, and (b) virtually everyone can commit to one week.

This channel publishes interviews with data scientists from big companies like Google, Uber, Airbnb, etc. From these videos, you can get an idea of ​​what it is like to be a data scientist and acquire valuable advice to apply in your life.

The strange truth about emotionally-charged issues is that sometimes just being listened to solves the problem. Not always, but often. The question is, can you afford to take one hour out of your week to listen to your teammates? Or rather, can you afford not to?

Round-robin retros can help you and your team have vulnerable conversations—and this builds trust and connection. Brené Brown captures it perfectly in her book Daring Greatly:

At the end of this session, tally up the number of good things and bad things, and share them with the team. ‘This week, there were 31 things that went well, and 24 things that went less well.’

Xander Steenbrugge is a machine learning researcher at ML6. His YouTube channel summarizes the critical points about machine learning, reinforcement learning, and AI in general from a technical perspective while making them accessible for a bigger audience.

I know the pandemic is keeping everyone at home, home working is becoming the new normal for many of us, and it is hard to find good presential training these days, but it does not mean that you need to stop learning!

Catagory :general