¹ I led GV’s investment in Slack back in 2014 and was a board observer until the company went public via a direct listin

Author : rayat.ahmed.3781
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 18:28:58

A thud isn’t a failure. A thud is a success that doesn’t live up to your expectations by any measure. It doesn’t bring the high. It doesn’t bring the money or attention you craved, either.

For every Charles Frazier, there’s hundreds of incredibly talented people who never learn how to finish their work and leave it alone. They never know when to say, “It’s good enough.”

Aside from the option to turn off the extension globally, you also have the ability to disable it for certain websites — as well as to configure website-specific settings.

Someone can know too much. They can be too talented. They’ll turn any project into an epic journey through the Himalayas. They don’t get tired of working. They don’t want to see the end. They’re not even perfectionists. They just love their work too much.

Dark Reader is an eye-care extension that allows you to easily adjust how a website is displayed in order to match your comfort levels and reduce eye strain. The extension comes preconfigured with a dark and a light theme but also allows for more fine-grained control of the display settings — e.g., brightness and contrast.

We’re perfectly capable of accomplishing what we want. We’ve even done it. We’ve finished the ascent. But we refuse to plant the flag. We stay just below the summit, because we don’t want to climb down.

³ And I would argue that the web (and specifically, the web browser) is what really did Windows in, breaking a lock-in that made the iPhone possible and brought the Mac back around.

It’s a fun story. Most of us look at his career with a mix of awe and envy. But here’s the thing. You probably don’t have a friend who’s going to conduct a secret operation to show your unfinished project to their literary agent, or some angel investor. We have to advocate for ourselves.

Accomplishing goals usually doesn’t bring the euphoria we expect. If it does, the sensation never lasts too long. It leads to more pressure and expectations. After extraordinary success, some people even sink into an abyss of depression. They start abusing drugs and alcohol. They just don’t know what else to do with themselves. They chase the high they thought their enormous success would bring them.

³ And I would argue that the web (and specifically, the web browser) is what really did Windows in, breaking a lock-in that made the iPhone possible and brought the Mac back around.





















y an upload to Google Photos. I could trigger this from Safari, which should mean that photos definitely went from the SSD to Google’s cloud. I think that was what happened at the start, but the sheer number of images meant that it took too long. The page timed out, and I had no idea how many images made it.

You’ve probably heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, which explains why incompetent people think they’re so smart. It’s where we get that saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

Our odds of enjoying that level of success are so small, it’s not worth the worry. It’s way more likely that we’ll spend a lifetime never accomplishing our first big goals, even though we could.

What follows is a rundown of extensions I’ve installed on my browser that make my life a whole hell of a lot easier. So without further ado, here are 10 browser extensions I can’t live without.

Every few months you see a story about some dude who sells his company for billions of dollars. Instead of enjoying it, he falls into an existential crisis. We’ve seen the same story with everyone from famous authors to word-class athletes and musicians. That fate scares incredibly talented people more than anything, even if they don’t know it.

Catagory :general