If you haven’t heard of him, allow me to introduce you to my new obsession (and crush), Matthew Hussey. He’s a YouTuber,

Author : qembedcon3
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:24:34

People reaching out when they feel like they’re losing you can seem fair, but it can also be a sign of “breadcrumbing,” as mentioned above. You deserve love and attention consistently, not only when you realize you want better. Love and attention shouldn’t be used to confuse you, but to affirm you.

Check in with yourself and even reach out to a therapist or loved one. Is this person making the same mistakes? Do they seem to truly care about your needs and respecting you as you deserve? Are they abusing apologies? If they make you unhappy and insecure more often than they make you feel happy and secure, you may want to rethink the relationship.





















ontinuous variables can be defined using probability density function (PDF). As continuous variables are not finite, we use an integral to define PDF. The probability of every possible continuous value has to be greater than or equal to zero but not preferably less than or equal to 1 as a continuous value isn’t finite. Although, the integration of all probabilities has to be equal to 1.

Note when you feel like someone is using you or stringing you along while showing no genuine compassion. Know you deserve consistency in relationships and people who treat you well. Don’t feel you have to keep up the relationship or that you’re responsible for its fall.

When I was dating someone who made me and my time feel unimportant, I tried to make plans with friends who wouldn’t. I focused on hobbies and relationships that made me happy, and I remembered I was worth more than being used or someone’s second choice. I remembered I was worth and would find someone who showed affection freely. You deserve the same.

Similar to sign #3, some people jokingly blame their behavior on being “awful texters” or “too busy.” While that may be true and not necessarily a malicious thing, you’re allowed to want more attention than that. Further, this behavior can sometimes be a sign of “paperclipping,” when someone continues to come back to you only because they want to use you and how good you make them feel without fairly returning that love.

One time, I poured a solid eight months of my existence into this man who went back and forth about whether or not he even wanted a relationship at all. The entire time we were “together,” he wasn’t sure about his feelings for me.

Last night I was scrolling mindlessly through TikTok, as one does, and came across this attractive British man spewing truth bombs and relationship zingers. The weight of his words smacked me in the face. It was a wake-up call like I hadn’t had in years.

Remember that you aren’t needy for having needs and that people should respect that. Focus on relationships that fulfill you and make you feel good, and try to not worry or feel guilty about others.

We all make mistakes and have slips, and triggers can sometimes be more random or less common than others. However, I believe that people should make a legitimate effort to avoid triggering you and to keep your triggers in the back of their minds. They should apologize when they slip up and ask how they can support you after. They should never guilt you for having triggers or for feeling triggered.

Many people are busy these days, it’s true — but many people also use busyness as an excuse. In relationships, we want to find people who meet our needs and want to spend time with us. You deserve to feel important in relationships and you deserve people who will make time for you. You don’t need to be with people who blow off plans or your wants to seem “cool.” This behavior can be a sign of “breadcrumbing,” a relationship phenomenon in which people give you attention only when you pull away so they can use you.

Even if you miss that person or want a good relationship with them — believe me, I’ve been there — know you deserve someone who wants to interact with you because they like you, not because they enjoy using you for how you make them feel. You aren’t a trophy; you’re a person worth respect and love. Know you aren’t obligated to text them back or continue to give to them while receiving nothing in return.

Try to focus your emotional energy on people who can replenish it, not people who strip it away. While not every relationship is perfect, your relationships should fill you up at least most of the time and feel equal. People tend to show us what they can give, so we want to be careful to not self-betray by not listening to those signs.

We all have different needs in relationships, and they’re all worth respecting. While someone who can’t meet those needs or doesn’t at least try to may not be doing so maliciously, focusing too much on that relationship can be a waste of time. You will find people who can meet your needs.

Not everyone was born to be a therapist, and we shouldn’t expect therapy from people who aren’t our therapists. However, you do deserve someone who genuinely cares about you and wants to support you. People may make excuses about why they can’t help you, but ultimately, you should be fulfilled. In my opinion, people need to do what they can to love you well, and their authentic attempt to affirm and care for you should be clear and encouraging.

Catagory :general