If you spend your evenings stressed out, you’ll take that negative energy to bed and won’t be able to fully recover duri

Author : rmostafa1
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 18:27:23

Messy formatting of code. This is a mistake that’s most often made by inexperienced developers. It makes code harder to read and frustrates other developers who have to read your code. Fixing messy code can be done by installing a linter that formats your code.

You can, for instance, end your workday by cleaning your desk, listening to a specific song, doing a short meditation, or through any other activity that helps you detach from work and get into a more playful, relaxed mood.

If you’re working from home or struggling to separate your private life from work, you can create an end-of work ritual. By repeating a specific routine, you can train your mind to stop checking work-related messages after a specific time.

We turn on the lights as soon as we get up and spend the majority of our time staring at screens and smartphones, making it even more difficult to differentiate between day and night.

Whenever possible, avoid having arguments or important discussions right before going to bed. This won’t only make you sad and angry, but it’ll also harm the quality of your sleep as it’s hard to sleep well when we’re full of emotions.

Additionally, studies prove that a lack of sleep leads to less creativity, more stress, and underperformance. This lack of rest leads to millions of people not living up to their full potential because they’re tired.

Underestimating the workload. Estimating the workload is one of the hardest things in software development. How often have you heard “I could easily do this feature in one story point” in a Scrum refinement? Chances are that things aren’t quite that easy and your intended solution won’t work. When it comes to estimates, make sure you count in time for things like testing as well — not just for the developer.

From an evolutionary perspective, our bodies are dependent on lightning to be able to tell whether it’s day or night. Yet, that’s a challenge today because most people are exposed to artificial lighting all the time.

Not logging any relevant information. Useful logs provide great help to developers. Having log messages can give you a lot of insight into where things went wrong inside your code and will save you a lot of debugging time. Good log messages provide context about what the user was doing when a specific error occurred.

Writing obvious comments. We’ve all seen comments like this before. They don’t explain anything but focus on what the code is doing (e.g. a comment like “looping over the products” when there is a foreach loop). Whenever you’re in that situation, don’t write a comment that focuses on what the code is doing. Focus on the why of this code instead.

Only testing the happy-path scenario. When writing tests, you should take into consideration more than just the happy path. Think about some scenarios where things don’t work out as intended. What’s the worst-case scenario? Make sure to test that scenario as well.





















s main fuel selector switch and the key to understanding what happens when metabolic flexibility goes south. Insulin is a hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose from the blood into the liver, fat, and skeletal muscle cells.

Commenting out blocks of code. We’ve all seen entire blocks of code containing multiple functions being commented out. No one knows why this block of code is still there or if it’s still relevant. The reason no one deletes this block of code is that everyone assumes that someone else might need it. Just delete the commented out code block. If it turns out that the code is still necessary, it will be in version control.

Towards the end of your workday, you should do the easy, repetitive tasks that don’t cost you much energy. That way, you can slowly slide into home time and unwind more easily.

Lack of practice. As we all know, practice makes perfect. So if you want to grow as a developer, you need to practice more. The biggest mistake you can make is to not learn any new things every once in a while. If you want to learn something new, like a programming language, you probably have to do it outside of your daily job. That’s an investment that you have to make in yourself in order to stay relevant.

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