I’m one of those data enthusiasts who had a bit more math in university than your average programmer and who happen to d

Author : 1abdo.abdo7
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 01:29:38

An open-source Python library for working with n-dimensional arrays and offering an extensive set of tools for numerical operations to achieve enhanced performance and faster execution times.

A powerful and easy-to-use web crawler built in Python. It follow the guidelines from the open-source intelligence framework (OSINT), which allows the collection and analysis of information acquired from open or public sources.

An open-source Python library for working with n-dimensional arrays and offering an extensive set of tools for numerical operations to achieve enhanced performance and faster execution times.

A mix of worksheets that walk users through the basics of getting started with machine learning. Includes links to code samples, data sets, and useful videos explaining key math concepts.

A high-level neural networks API, written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation.

The way to pay yourself first is to find a way to keep, i.e., save as much of your money for yourself as possible. The entire process of wealth-building stems from your ability to do so. You want to be using as much of your income as possible to add to your net worth.

If there’s one thing that frustrates me about the data science process, it would probably be the fact that I could spend hours (and maybe days) building and refining a model only to realize putting it in production is another ton worth of work and requires getting the help of more specialized people.

Whenever I try to think of ideas on how to approach a problem with data science, I always get stalled by the brain-racking step of translating it into a form that can be consumed by other people (my stakeholders).

I’m trained in the natural sciences. To be specific, I did my undergrad in Chemistry and finished a master’s in Bioprocess Engineering. I had fun researching on natural products and designing composite biomaterials.

A research project exploring the role of machine learning in the process of creating art and music. Primarily this involves developing new deep-learning and reinforcement-learning algorithms for generating songs, images, drawings, and other materials.





















sional challenges was more difficult than anything else I’ve faced in my career. At the time, I told a teammate that it felt like I was playing seven-dimensional chess because of the complexity of the negotiations combined with so many conflicting challenges at work. What she didn’t know — and what most people didn’t know — is that during that same 18-month window, I was also juggling personal challenges that were far more stressful than the hurdles at work.

Spending less than you earn, and avoiding lifestyle creep will rapidly increase your wealth. Always make sure that your total expenses are lower than your income by a comfortable margin. When your income increases, only increase your spending by a small amount — save or invest the rest. Every extra dollar you get will add to your wealth. Every time you increase your income, the speed at which your wealth grows will also increase. That’s the true key to building up your money.

If your income increases by $10,000 but then you decide to take an extra vacation to an exotic location, buy new furniture and a new TV, well, then you’ve just burnt up your increase in income. Unfortunately, this is not so uncommon — there are bankers, lawyers, and surgeons living in New York City that have a negative net worth, all because they couldn’t resist the urge to constantly upgrade their lifestyle.

A reference for anyone getting started with Google’s TensorFlow machine learning software framework. Includes a long list of code examples demonstrating everything from basic TensorFlow operations to building neural networks.

Arkad recommends putting aside 1/10th of what you earn by default, more if you can afford it. If that means that you have to reduce your leisurely expenses, well, then that’s what you have to do. Just make sure you’re always setting some money aside. That 1/10th may not seem like much at first, but over time it will add up fast, especially as you apply the other money rules.

Catagory :general