I’m sure there are different kinds of 10x developers that you can fit into quadrants: the selfish kind vs the helpful ki

Author : vzakaria.elkarmou
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 02:21:36

So what makes a bad combination with this? When you don’t believe in unit tests, as much to call them “a waste of time”, while everyone else has to spend their time on your preventable mistakes. Also when you repeatedly check-in broken code (which either cannot compile or has critical blocking issues) into the branch that everyone is using.

I’m sure there are different kinds of 10x developers that you can fit into quadrants: the selfish kind vs the helpful kind, and the nice approachable kind vs the intimidating kind. If you are among this rare breed of developers, choose which kind you want to be.

$ for i in `seq 1 100` > do > adb shell am force-stop com.android.samples.mytest > sleep 1 > adb shell am start-activity -W -n com.android.samples.mytest/.MainActivity | grep 'TotalTime' | cut -d -f 2 > done

A large factor to consider was that most of everyone else’s work was downstream from the output produced by James’ team. Meaning that if he messes up, everyone else feels it, but when anyone else downstream messes up it won’t affect him in almost all cases. That’s kind of how all upstream dependencies work though, so fair enough — as long as you’re careful and responsible.

We just can’t forget that other people are human and therefore deeply flawed. He too was only human, getting pissed off by seeing the same mistake the hundredth damn time, while these mistakes were “normal” to everyone else up until now. When your patience gets short, your display of respect for the fellow worker also cracks and that is unprofessional in itself.

I wrote this article to explain more about performance, startup testing, and the reasons behind the pieces I used for testing startup. But if you just want something quick here it is:

In the past, I wanted people to agree with me and so I’d prioritize my fear of rejection over the truth. Eventually I found a better way, and if you follow this guide I’m confident you will too.





















released with several new features and improvements. These two particular ones were the ones that definitely caught my attention and got me really excited to try them. Workspaces have the potential to radically improve the developer’s experience when working on large, combined projects with multiple shared dependencies.

I needed to test the startup performance for an app recently (while playing around with the Startup library to see how that affected things — more about that in a future article). And I discovered, like I have on previous strolls down this path, that testing startup performance is… not obvious.

Whether we like it, the two inconvenient truths of start-ups mean that if we are to build great products that people love, we have no choice but to do the hard work of talking to our users in the right way and the even harder work to gain consensus as a product team about their actual jobs to be done.

We also had a developer of a different species, a golden boy who we’ll call James. Golden, in a sense that he had long time seniority within the company, was brilliant in his specific programming discipline, but wasn’t accountable for his follies, despite various complaints brought up with his manager.

If you’re testing a piece of runtime code, there are various ways to go about it, from the trivial “write a tight loop and calculate the delta in System.currentTimeMillis()” to something more sophisticated and useful, like the facilities provided by the AndroidX benchmark library.

But much of the process of application startup happens, by definition, before the system gets around to calling your code. So how do you figure out how long it took to get there?

Experiencing first-hand the value of putting in these extra efforts is not an easy path, especially when you’ve already learned things another way. This can be career-changing if you let it.

In the past, I wanted people to agree with me and so I’d prioritize my fear of rejection over the truth. Eventually I found a better way, and if you follow this guide I’m confident you will too.

Catagory :general