In January 2020, I ran an in-person experiment for my thesis at the MIT Media Lab. The project, called Allo-I, is a virt

Author : vzakaria.elkarmou
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 02:20:22

I’ve written an entire article about this. You don’t know how important it is to know vanilla JS thoroughly. It’s the foundation of all modern frameworks and technologies of the web. If you know it well, you can learn them faster, you can be free from future anxiety and ace coding interviews like a pro.

Those basics allowed me to fulfil a position in the company I’m working for right now, where I’ve increasingly gained knowledge about this framework, which is highly marketable and has opened to me the doors for a lot more occasions.”

I can foresee that in the future, more and more positions will require this language to work with them. TypeScript is a synonym of an updated developer, who can work with the latest standards.

In 2020, React is still the most used framework regarding JavaScript. At this point, its popularity can only grow more and more. You should learn it in 2021 if you simply want to see thousands of more — better paying — job openings for you.

Your basic guide to finally understand TypeScript As the power of TypeScript has been rising during the last few years, thousands of developers decided to start using…

Top 10 JavaScript Testing and Debugging Tools in 2019 We all understand the need to test JavaScript code. It is the only way of making that everything is working correctly…

If you’ve learned like me to code in the last 5 years, REST is probably the only standard for API’s you’ve used. But with applications becoming more complex every day, the need for a technology like GraphQL has risen.

TypeScript has continuously got more popular among developers in the past years. More than 80% of them admit that they would like to use or learn TypeScript in their next project.

So you see, being a developer is also made of considerations like the one I just showed you. How can you be more marketable? What should you know to land a better position?

Top 10 JavaScript Testing and Debugging Tools in 2019 We all understand the need to test JavaScript code. It is the only way of making that everything is working correctly…

There’s great interest in this technology, yet not many developers are using it. But with the increasingly numerous company requiring it for their positions, this language can be a little gem for you in acing the next code interview and land a dream job.

To give you more context: my team is currently looking for people to hire, we’re looking for a senior React developer, yet, all the questions posed to possible candidates are based on vanilla JS.

Software errors across the world are so many that have built an economy themselves around bug hunting programs. Modern applications need to be tested thoroughly before getting sent to the final users. These apps also need to be flexible and adapt quickly to change, and the only way to do that is to have large test coverage of your source code.

n was carried out in a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age Warrior’s Tomb in Pylos, Greece. The intent of the expedition was to find some valuable treasures from the Bronze Age as many heroes at the time stored their treasures in their tombs. After a whole year of careful digging, they found this sort of rock that had a very detailed design etched on it, surprisingly detailed considering its prehistoric age.

Using CSS alone is now something out of fashion. The syntactic advantages introduced by technologies like SASS has taken over the way we write our frontends. So if you want to be more appetible for companies, show them that you are up-to-date with the latest standards by learning this technology.

Catagory :general