In the late 1980s, somebody bought a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) from a physical store, brought it home, and pre

Author : gkarem
Publish Date : 2021-01-07 09:12:51

This is early research, partially limited by a small sample size, and partially by the tricky nature of doing autopsy research during a global pandemic. Infected cells may die in the variable time between a person’s death and the moment a scientist can examine their body, which no doubt complicate any effort to trace the path the virus travels. “One caveat to note with the Covid-19 cases reported here,” the authors write, “is the relatively long postmortem interval, an almost insurmountable obstacle in autopsy studies, especially when performed under the emergency-like conditions encountered during a pandemic situation.”

You can find the raw data produced by these tests in this Google Sheet; the raw output of GCBurn and YetAnotherStupidBenchmark could be found in their repositories — see “/results” folder there.

This is early research, partially limited by a small sample size, and partially by the tricky nature of doing autopsy research during a global pandemic. Infected cells may die in the variable time between a person’s death and the moment a scientist can examine their body, which no doubt complicate any effort to trace the path the virus travels. “One caveat to note with the Covid-19 cases reported here,” the authors write, “is the relatively long postmortem interval, an almost insurmountable obstacle in autopsy studies, especially when performed under the emergency-like conditions encountered during a pandemic situation.”

They found the most viral RNA in the olfactory mucosa, the lining at the top of the nasal cavity. In part because of its close proximity to the brain, the researchers think the olfactory mucosa is the most likely “port of entry” into the central nervous system. Some brain cells project into the olfactory mucosa, and these may act like highways for the virus to travel further into the brain, once it has crossed over from the nose.

It’s well known that Covid-19 is primarily a respiratory disease, but it has significant effects on other realms of the body, too. Its impact on the brain has garnered a lot of attention: The nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, and loss of smell and taste experienced by a third of people with Covid-19 could all be considered neurological symptoms.

You can find the raw data produced by these tests in this Google Sheet; the raw output of GCBurn and YetAnotherStupidBenchmark could be found in their repositories — see “/results” folder there.

In their hunt for the presence of the coronavirus in the nose and brain, the researchers also detected it in the cerebellum — a part of the brain that is not directly connected to the olfactory mucosa. This suggests that there are other, nonnasal roads leading to the brain. (One possibility is that it rides across the blood-brain barrier in white blood cells; another is that it gets in through the central nervous system’s endothelium.) They also detected low levels of the coronavirus in parts of the eyes and oral mucosa, suggesting that the virus may also be able to enter the central nervous system through these routes.

It worth saying that GCBurn is definitely the least useful one among these tests: it runs the code you’ll hardly ever see in production. Its goal is to turn memory allocator and GC into a bottleneck to measure their efficiency, but in reality this never happens, and moreover, even if you hit e.g. memory allocator performance limit, you have a number of workarounds to address this.

Research published Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience sheds light on how SARS-CoV-2 may do so. A team led by Helena Radbruch, PhD, and Frank L. Heppner, PhD, of the Charité–Universitätsmedizin Berlin examined the bodies of 33 people who had died of Covid-19 and concluded that the virus likely entered the brain through the nose.

They detected viral RNA in the brain and the nasopharynx, the upper region of the throat that connects to the nasal cavity (and is also where viral infection and replication is first thought to take place). Bordered on the bottom by the roof of the mouth and on the top by the space that holds the brain, the nasal cavity is the mound-shaped enclosure that makes the inside of the nose.

I had to exclude 75% RAM static set result from the chart — the 110M ops/s for .NET Core 3.1 there is way off from everything else, and I didn’t have enough time to find out why, though my guess is: somehow one extra full GCs were triggered during this test (it takes ~ 5s on ~ 50GB heap).

This is how RAM usage changed for the only service (a tiny one) we migrated to .NET 5 so far. As you see, it’s dropped by more than 2x. This is certainly quite motivating, so I hope to write another post with more of production data soon.

Originally written to compare .NET and Go garbage collection and peak allocation performance. I’ll focus only on allocations here, because all other metrics are pretty similar (though you’re welcome to compare the raw output).

The brain — which is part of the central nervous system, together with the spinal cord — is relatively well protected from invaders. The blood-brain barrier, for example, is a semipermeable membrane that allows beneficial nutrients circulating in the blood to reach the brain but keeps pathogens out. When a virus manages to reach the brain, it’s worth noting and asking how.

t stop you from letting us know if she is even still alive????” wrote one friend on her Facebook page. “And if she is [sic] where is all the money coming from to pay for the meds??? Please let us know to ease our hearts and minds.” Once the garage sale was canceled, it seemed like everyone was suddenly asking questions.

Catagory :general