Install the Pushbullet app on your smartphone and head to to get an API token. Then create a ~/.config/pl

Author : 0mahmoudhamde24
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:24:59

If you choose to be aware of the inherent creativity that resonates deep within you…you’ll assist the birthing of new ideas, new accomplishments, new projects and new ways of understanding your life.”

As a writer, I rely on inspiration and creativity to get the words to flow. A lot of this is based on my surroundings. I constantly move around my house and write in different rooms. Sometimes inside, sometimes outside. When possible, I go to various cafes, parks, and gardens.

I still have goals, but the longer time period and flexibility remove the pressure, and for me, increase the fun. I have researched this extensively and found other benefits in not following a routine.

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user wget -O ~/.config/systemd/user/platypush.service

Routines can be boring and by nature are repetitive. Predictability dampens enthusiasm. Nothing has hammered this point home harder than COVID-19. Life became Groundhog Day under quarantine, and we fell into set routines.

it comes to copy editing, we believe “copy style is like design with words.” (Iris, one of our copy editors, wrote that CE poetry!) Our copy editors are the gatekeepers of that word design, the house style, and general good grammar across Medium’s owned publications. They’re also the final pair of eyes before a piece is published.

Let’s now create a Platypush hook to react on the event and send a notification to our devices. First, prepare the Platypush scripts directory if it’s not been created already:

Also, consider that this is a relatively basic example of automation — feel free to spice it up with more automation tasks. For example, you can send a request to another Platypush device (e.g. in your bedroom or living room) with the tts plugin to say aloud that the baby is crying. You can also extend the script so that the captured audio samples can also be streamed over HTTP — for example using a Flask wrapper and ffmpeg for the audio conversion. Another interesting use case is to send data points to your local database when the baby starts/stops crying (you can refer to my previous article on how to use Platypush PostgreSQL Mosquitto Grafana to create your flexible and self-managed dashboards): it’s a useful set of data to track when your baby sleeps, is awake or needs feeding. And, again, monitoring my baby has been the main motivation behind developing micmon, but the exact same procedure can be used to train and use models to detect any type of sound. Finally, you may consider using a good power bank or a pack of lithium batteries to make your sound monitor mobile.

Save the script above as e.g. ~/bin/ The script only triggers an event if at least positive_samples samples are detected over a sliding window of window_length seconds (that’s to reduce the noise caused by prediction errors or temporary glitches), and it only triggers an event when the current prediction goes from negative to positive or the other way around. The event is then dispatched to Platypush over the RedisBus. The script should also be general-purpose enough to work with any sound model (not necessarily that of a crying infant), any positive/negative labels, any frequency range and any type of output event.

Once you have a good audio feed and a way to detect when a positive audio sequence starts/stops, you may want to add a video feed to keep an eye on your baby. While in my first set up I had mounted a PiCamera on the same RaspberryPi 3 I used for the audio detection, I found this configuration quite unpractical. A RaspberryPi 3 sitting in its case, with an attached pack of batteries and a camera somehow glued on top can be quite bulky if you’re looking for a light camera that you can easily install on a stand or flexible arm and you can move around to keep an eye on your baby wherever he/she is. I have eventually opted for a smaller RaspberryPi Zero with a PiCamera compatible case and a small power bank.

Verify that as soon as the baby starts crying you receive a notification on your phone. If you don’t you may other review the labels you applied to your audio samples, the architecture and parameters of your neural network, or the sample length/window/frequency band parameters.

This service will start the microphone monitor on the ALSA device plughw:2,0and it will fire a baby-cry event with state=positive if at least 2 positive 2-second samples have been detected over the past 10 seconds and the previous state was negative, and state=negative if less than 2 positive samples were detected over the past 10 seconds and the previous state was positive. We can then start/enable the service:

Last step is to set up a direct microphone stream from your baby’s RaspberryPi to whichever client you may want to use. The Tensorflow model is good to nudge you when the baby is crying, but we all know that machine learning models aren’t exactly notorious for achieving 100% accuracy. Some time you may simply be sitting in another room and want to hear what’s happening in your baby’s room.

Annie Paul, author of “Brilliant: The New Science of Smart” wrote in Time Magazine, “The way most of us spend our mornings is exactly counter to the conditions that neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists tell us to promote flexible, open-minded thinking.” This is the opposite of what the morning routine is supposed to do.

Like on the other device, plug an SD card with a RaspberryPi-compatible OS. Then plug a RaspberryPi-compatible camera in its slot, make sure that the camera module is enabled in raspi-config and install Platypush with the PiCamera integration:

Catagory :general