It is a known fact that we fall in love with our designs :) But there is no truth that the user will love what we love.

Author : 0mahmoudhamde24
Publish Date : 2021-01-05 07:25:07

Keep it simple. I am not saying that the user should receive every message you want to give as soon as they arrive on the site. Is the site about renting a car, is it a technology blog or an e-commerce site selling gifts? They just need to understand this. It’s simple, isn’t it? Isn’t it even necessary to mention that? Yes, I thought so too. Until I do some research and come across random sites. Sometimes sites talk about themselves so much like mission, vision, who we are that the product/service is not understood. Users are like, Ok but what is the product/service on the site?

function App() { const [state, toggle] = useState(0); useEffect(()=>{ setInterval(()=>{ console.log(`state ${state}`); },3000) },[]) return (

They don’t wonder if it works well or badly. It just wonders if it works until you deliver better. When you offer better, you provide a better user experience and gain loyal users. For example, on an e-commerce site, the user does not need to know technically how a t-shirt is filtered. We use a visual filter in the interface. Let the design do its job and disappear. This is just a simple example, consider this topic on your own project.

It’s important to know that having fundamental JS knowledge should be given higher priority than having framework or library specific knowledge. Because, regardless of what library you use , you still have to write JS code and deal with JS related concerns. It’s important not to limit yourself to a specific framework/library and it’s possible only by having a strong JS base.

Think about what would happen if the list is prepended, since React only relies on the keys to decide if the DOM should be updated. Read about this here. The article demonstrates the problem using a very good example of text inputs.

This one, I had to struggle a lot to get my head around. For someone who had no idea about closures and why they were important in the context of React, I had to read a lot about the “behind-the-scenes” of React.

y beginners make is writing too long and complicated functions. It is always recommended to design functions to only perform one specific task. Small and precise functions are easy to test and debug with modern IDEs and will be flexible.

We explained to the user what the site is for in the upper article. Good start. But now the number of users coming with external links is quite high. So we cannot know which page of the site they will come to. For this reason, there should be signs on each page to show our identity. Think of it like this; we invited guests to our house. But our house has lots of entrances and rooms. Guests should understand that they are our home, wherever they come from. In this article, I have detailed this article.

This is not a huge problem here, but imagine an event listener being attached to an object, in useEffect and getting stale state inside it. Check out this SO answer which shows the proper way to use event listeners in useEffect.

And that’s it. Maybe you already knew or just learned these methods. But try to use it in your project. After every project I designed, I turned and looked through this list. And every time I found things to fix.

It’s important to know that having fundamental JS knowledge should be given higher priority than having framework or library specific knowledge. Because, regardless of what library you use , you still have to write JS code and deal with JS related concerns. It’s important not to limit yourself to a specific framework/library and it’s possible only by having a strong JS base.

I recently shared an article that covered 2 different NPM clients that tried to fix one of the major issues with the current implementation of the official client: the disk space black hole that the npm_modules folder had become.

In this article, I’m going to cover the two that caught my attention and sparked my imagination. With one of them, we’re going to change the way we handle dependencies for all projects and with the other one, we’re going to optimize a process that right now has to be done manually.

Let me give an example again: I don’t like tab structure at all. Honestly, I hate it. But in the usability test results, it was understood that the tab structure is hard to miss. (Steve Krug mentions it in his book Don’t Make Me Think)

It’s been a while since we’ve gotten a substantial update to our trusted NPM. But now, with Node’s latest release (version 15), we also got version 7 of NPM, which comes with a major overhaul of its internal architecture, as well as some very interesting new features.

Catagory :general